89 Ranger - making keys from VIN? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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89 Ranger - making keys from VIN?


Elite Explorer
February 2, 2000
Reaction score
City, State
Albuquerque, NM
Year, Model & Trim Level
1991 XLT
So my grandmother managed to lose both sets of her truck keys recently and we havent been able to find them. It is an 89 Ranger. Called the dealer and they said they didnt have the records that far back to be able to make a key from the VIN number. Anyone know who might be able to make a key from the VIN as far back as 89? I have already been to a locksmith and they are the ones who said go to Ford.

Any other ideas? Ignition and door lock replacement is what it might come down to but even getting the ignition out without the key is going to be hard. I have replaced my Explorers ignition several times and it needed the key to be able to turn it to the right position and Im pretty sure the 89 would be the same way.

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Think you're out of luck. When I bought my X, the keys were really worn down, and I ended up replacing the tumblers. They couldn't even do it for a '94.

...you might check with boomer12 as i think he recently replaced the locks on my old f250 do to lost keys...:dunno:

...btw, how are you and your truck doing..:scratch:..i hope all is well with you both...

Thanks guys. We are going to keep looking and hopefully find the keys while figuring out other options

...btw, how are you and your truck doing..:scratch:..i hope all is well with you both...

Im doing ok, still not 100%. Havent touched the Explorer since I got home. Its officially totalled, I retained it and got a decent check to fix it up with. Hopefully I can get it fixed up before Moab. Thanks for asking.

They couldn't even do it for a '94.

that's sad...at the pontiac & nissan dealership i worked at, they went back over 20 years. I got a key there for my 1990 nissan for 5 bucks.

I actually had to get a key made for my 1980 toyota truck (when my keys were stolen) from the yota dealership. that was 2003.
