'91 Cranks but not firing, no fuel. | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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'91 Cranks but not firing, no fuel.


Well-Known Member
March 4, 2001
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94 Limited
Year, Model & Trim Level
'91XLT '92EB4x '96V8 2wd
So my X has been setting for like 2 years, tank out and fuel pump on the dash. Decided to get it back together and drive it.

Snag'd up tank and looked inside it, clean, rinsed it out anyway. Put in fuel pump and mounted tank and pump. Put in about 8gal of fresh fuel and and cycled the key about 10 times. Cranked it and turned over fine and got no fire or try to fire. Checked spark, got spark. Checked fuel rail and hit shrader valve and fuel squirted. Used a volt meter and showed a spike in power so I am thinking I have inj, pulse.

So could I have weak pump after setting on dash dried out for about 2 years or could it be fuel reg?

I hate to just go buy and replace parts to "try" something. I also replaced the small hose from pump to supply line in tank.

Befor I parked it, the X ran fine no issues. Backed it in and took out tank and pump and cut our rear floor, installed disc brakes, and now this. LOL

Any ideas would be awesome. Thanks, Jason

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That was my next plan.. I am thinking the dried up seals in the pump are just not producing enough pressure to feed the injectors. Atleast that is what i am hope'n.

Just curious on Ideas and if anyone else has had same issues and what they found.


Fuel Problem

ok i think i know what your Problem is and that is out on your Engine fuss buss there are 3 Relays under the main fuss buss take the buss of the fender and turn it over and check them out what you need to do is go to Napa and ask for a Fuel Pump Relay then pull the old one out and in stall the new one by the way can you here the pump when you turn the Key on if you do here the pump then what you have is a dry pump and will need to get a new on

Pump cycles with key. Must be a dry pump.

With 'todays' gas, it could be gummed up injectors.
A friend had a '92 that he let sit for 1 year. It ran fine when he parked it. Tried to start it ,NOTHING, not even a cough. His injectors were clogged up. He pumped in some treatment and fortunately after a 24 soak he got Fire.

Well Tony I was told by several people that it just seemed almost impossible for all injectors to be gummed up to the point of no fuel. I had wondered the same though. So I dumped in some chemtool in the tank and cycled the pump about 20 times.

I am game for about anything, but i am pretty sure it is gonna be a dry pump at this point. When I pulled the tank alot of gas drained back and I had also turned the X over several times to circulate the oil in the engine so I would think with the injectors pulsing all those times and no fuel pump that the injectors would have leaked out any remaining fuel... but not sure. LOL

I am thinking not enough pressure, due to it sounds like it is kinda training to start but just dont. The exhaust dont really smell of gas, so I am unsure.

guess time to order a pump off ebay this weekend and give it a try.

Thanks for the extra ideas.

Well Tony I was told by several people that it just seemed almost impossible for all injectors to be gummed up to the point of no fuel. I had wondered the same though. So I dumped in some chemtool in the tank and cycled the pump about 20 times.

I am game for about anything, but i am pretty sure it is gonna be a dry pump at this point. When I pulled the tank alot of gas drained back and I had also turned the X over several times to circulate the oil in the engine so I would think with the injectors pulsing all those times and no fuel pump that the injectors would have leaked out any remaining fuel... but not sure. LOL

I am thinking not enough pressure, due to it sounds like it is kinda training to start but just dont. The exhaust dont really smell of gas, so I am unsure.

guess time to order a pump off ebay this weekend and give it a try.

Thanks for the extra ideas.

The guy who had this issue Works with me. We leaned against the wall talking a lot about his no start. We agreed that there is no way that you could have all injectors clogged to the point of not even coughing a bit. We proved ourselves wrong. He bought or knew someone with the "Kit" and he poured this stuff in through the intake or maybe he pressurized the fuel rail and after 24 hours. It's running again.
Lemme find out what he did exactly

Here's an e-mail from the guy who's '92 'X' showed Dry plugs. BTW, He thought for sure it was his Fuel Pump. He replaced it and still NG. That's when he tried this

These items are very close to what my let me borrow. One thing you might want to try is just plugging the pressure regulator line back to the tank and cranking the engine a few times. It's amazing what 60-70 psi can do vs the normal 8-12 psi.

Amazon product ASIN B00061SMO4

Woot Woot IT RUNS!!!!

Dry pump and seems I did have a few stuck injectors..... My lil air tank and Chemtool trick worked on injectors.

BTW if you need a fuel pump, the ebay one I bought has worked great so far and best part it only 34 bucks shipped. If it dies, I will be sure to let everyone know.
