'91 Explorer (broken armrest) | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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'91 Explorer (broken armrest)


New Member
January 20, 2007
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City, State
Kamloops, British Columbia
Year, Model & Trim Level
'92 Sport
Yesterday while getting into my truck I leaned to heavy on the armrest and cracked the plastic that holds the armrest. Can I repair the damage with a glue product made for repairing cracked plastic or should I start looking for a whole new part?

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Welcome to the site... I'm sure you'll find lots of real answers that lots of other sites just don't have... Anyway the all plastic arm rest support bracket was recognized by Ford as being a defect and just not up to any heavy use. People have tried various glue type repairs but they were only temporary solutions. A new part was created with a beefy steel core (seen in the pic below) that completely solves the problem. 1A manufacturing makes these Console Brackets, but they often have then on Ebay for $10 less. See.


All take a peek at the Arm rest thread for more info and pics.


I need a new one as well... been looking a bit...

I've never seen them for $10 on ebay... only seen em for like 20ish plus 9 shipping... which is more then I want to spend...

I fixed mine with a fiberglass repair kit.

or if you have any relatively close junk yards. thats always a good choice. i would get one for you but shipping would be more than getting one off ebay. this is going out to anyone in the states, if you need a part from the yard let me know and i can look. i have two within a half hour of my house.

I need a new one as well... been looking a bit...

I've never seen them for $10 on ebay... only seen em for like 20ish plus 9 shipping... which is more then I want to spend...

Sorry for being confussing.. I meant to say the bracket was $10 cheaper on Ebay than buying direct from the vendor...

Direct from 1A $34.95 + shipping
Ebay Buy it now $24.90 + $10 shipping

Thanks everyone, I'll contact 1A and fix the problem for good.

well does any one know were to get the armrest its self mine is missing

Armrest repair

I fixed mine myself. I dodn't know about the kit.. it would have been perfect.

Mine cracked so I made internal reinforcements out of strips of aluminum. I cut and bent them to fit inside and bolted them across the cracked area with machine screws and nuts. I had to drill some access holes through the plastic to get at the screw heads with a small screwdriver. The fix works fine.

Some of the mail order companies used to sell complete replacement center consoles, but they may be discontinued now that the 1st gen Explorers are old. Do a search, you may find something that will work.


or if you have any relatively close junk yards. thats always a good choice. i would get one for you but shipping would be more than getting one off ebay. this is going out to anyone in the states, if you need a part from the yard let me know and i can look. i have two within a half hour of my house.

What ones? I can never find anything I need for 1st gen Explorers in the yards down here.

it depends i go to u pull it in davie or the one up off southern. also junk yard road in opa locka.
