93 explorer sport 5.0 Help | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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93 explorer sport 5.0 Help


New Member
February 7, 2011
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City, State
Decatur, IN
Year, Model & Trim Level
'93 Explorer Sport
Hello everyone,
I have a 1993 Explorer Sport with a weak 4.0l. I am in the process of obtaining everything to swap in a 5.0L and AOD from an 88-89 Crown Vic. I have the engine and the wiring from under the hood that goes to the engine, I have the ECM. I found the headers off a 96 Explorer 5.0 and the motor mounts. The swap doesnt bother me but the wiring kinda does. Ive been looking for days now for answers and cant find any. Is there a diagram on what I have to do to get the 5.0 hooked up to my fuse/relay box under the hood and my key assy in the truck. I usually just go carb. but am going to make this one look as though ford made this. Ive looked at all the tech pages on swaps and all cover the hard parts but dont get into wiring on a vehicle that had a 4.0L Thanks

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I'll bite

Judging from the age of the post and the lack of responses, my intuition has told me you haven't found any help yet? It's a sizeable project to say the least. I'll offer some assistance for a fellow Hoosier, where are we at?

Im hoping to get the motor and wiring by the middle of next week. Ive looked at the engine wiring diagrams for both the motor im getting and my truck and Ive kinda stopped there till i get the wiring and can get the loom off of it so i can actually see it. By looking at the diagrams I figured I could just splice into my relay box for the relays but getting my key to work is another story. I wish they made things simple like they used to be. LOL

Develop a strategy, and an implementation plan.

How's that for official? It's not that complicated, but we need to get in sync. What are your thoughts as far as direction? what hardware are you planning to keep. Specifically, the wiring under the hood, and in the cab?

Ok were to start...... Ive already got 5.0 explorer motor mounts and I got a pair of 5.0 explorer exhaust manifolds. Im planning probably an electric fan for clearance and an additional trans cooler. If I have to modify the trans mount location I can weld and take care of that. Im going to get a b&m floor shifter so I dont have to change the steering column and I have a guy that can modify the driveshaft for me and balance it. Im planning on going 2wd for now and then after its driving and all the bugs are worked out it I might look at advance adaptors and get a transfer case adapter. I would like to keep my stock gauges but have a plan if i am needing to use autometer instead. Im not worried about cruise control. the main reason for wanting to use the fuse/relay box under the hood is I am wanting to make this swap look as though ford did it themselves. Im probably going to mount the ecm in the passenger kick panel like the ex is and since im going to have the wiring all exposed I can modify the length of the wires needing extended. Im probably leaving something out or if you have a question ask and ill give you the answer....if i have one... LOL

O and with it being a 5 speed im not too sure what to do with my neutral safety switch. I believe its on the pedel. I was thinking to just soldering the wires together to eliminate it.

I like the theme

Not the easiest route, but if that was the point..... We wouldn't be here, would we?

Mechanically, looks like you're on top of it. Electronically, I can lend a hand. Please post the specs of the donor and project vehicles.

Donor: 1988 Mercury GrandMarquis. 5.0L speed density with AOD and Cruise (working).

Project: 1993 Ford Explorer Sport 4.0L Mazda 5 speed 4wd and cruise (works)

If its not hard to keep the cruise it would be nice but not a deal breaker.
