93 XLT 4wd Loud Hissing from intake and stalling | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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93 XLT 4wd Loud Hissing from intake and stalling


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August 5, 2004
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93 XLT
Ok..so yesterday I start the exp.. as soon as I do I hear a small POP...then it starts idling funny and making a loud hissing noise * vaccuum leak im sure * so I open the hood up..on the back right of the intake. There is an open line that I assume popped off but I see no loose lines anywhere. Its on the little piece that screws into the side of the intake with like 3 or 4 vaccuum lines going to it and it also leads over to the master cylinder. What is this peice called?? I have looked in Chiltons*WASTE OF TIME* and it shows a pic of it but never said what it was. O'Reillys had no idea what it was either.

Does this simply sound like a vaccuum leak or maybe the module has a problem?? Thanks for any assistance!

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What you need is a vaccuum plug, I always keep spares in my X, just go to the auto store and pick up a vaule pack there sure to have your size plug. :thumbsup:

I had the same thing happen to me. I looked and looked to find where the hose connected. Could't find anywhere to connect it. So I stuck a screw in it to plug it and walla she ran fine. So if you cant find where it connects just plug it and see how she runs.

Did that first off....guess I should have said that too haha. Went and got a plug..fixed the idle problem about 50% but still hissing...only when Idling or when I hit the gas pedal while driving. Can hear it hissing when I drive.

and WHAT IS THE NAME of that part hahaha. No one seems to know! ;) LOL

The vacuum manifold?? Sounds like you still have a leak. Maybe two lines were blown off. I would get a buddy to rev the engine while you listen for the leak.

Will do that...but still dont know what that part is that all the vac lines attach to.

Will do that...but still dont know what that part is that all the vac lines attach to.

I call it the "vacuum manifold" not sure what Chiltons calls it. Does it really matter??

Yes...in case the actual part needs replaced, I usually tend to belive that stuff happens for a reason. :) So if it caused a line to blow off ...maybe it is the problem...it could have also been some freak thing, but just in case I would like to know what its called in case I need to replace it. Know what I mean? :)

It's is often referred to as the Octopus, but of course that's not what it's called. And yes this is a common problem. I keep a set of plugs in the glovebox. There is one fitting on it that is almost hidden by the others, and easily overlooked.

Vacuum leak

Its called a vacuum tree or port. My wifes did the same thing twice, sealed it and all is OK.
