94 F 250 springs? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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94 F 250 springs?


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March 31, 2004
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94 xlt
Would F 250 springs work under thr front of the X. There the same size but the 250 springs are 2 ins longer then the x's and there crush rating is at 1200lbs instead of 600 lbs of the X

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physically yes.... but you would not want to do that, the ride would suck... bone jarring and not flex worth a crap

To be honset i like the ruff ride, but flexing how would it affect it? is it just because of the crush rating or?

it will be so stiff you prob wont even be able to flex.

the only time you wold want springs like that is if you were dune jumping or somethig extreeme.

what about 94 f150 coils? considering that the 250 of that year are the same measurements is it also possible they could work instead?

it wont be as bad, but same issue..... the fullsize trucks are ehavier, and thus had a higher spring rate

alright the i got the stock springs diameter: inside dia.= 3.61in, bar dia.=.672 free height=13.38in, spring rate=463lbs./in, Load=813lbs, load height=11.5in, end pig tail, end 2= square coil spring

While the F 250

Inside dia.= 4, bar dia.= .812in, Free height=15.06in, Spring Rate=630lbs/in, Load=1260, load height=13in, end=pigtail, end 2=pigtail

so then do it.

But there are easier/smarter ways to get lift.

those and a body lift are really about it. But those are pretty good ways to do it.

...the f250 springs will only be a headache...there are lots of lifted first generations here and other than what snowborder88 told you, those are proven ways to lift your X...even the guys with solid axle swaps with leafs, don't run f250 leafs...
...lift kit with options for stock X's, and body lift =


don't run f250 leafs...

He's acually talking about coil springs, which confused me but I believe some of the gasser SD's used coils.

Also, the measurments your talking about are with the weight of the massive superduty engine on top of it, imagine what they will extend to when they are not compressed? You will never be able to fit them in the stock location without drop brackets and even if you do, it will never get aligned.

...lol, when he said the springs were longer got me and i'm sure, a few others off track too...but, running f250's coils would be like putting solid blocks in the place of the coils...the lift kits come with coils and you can option your coils and all other lift parts too...
...now i know guys run f250 coil buckets with success, but use explorer rated lift coils in them...;)

with droping in a 302 (sorry i didnt mention this before) also affect it in ways where the 250 springs would be better in a way? and also putting in the 150 coil "spacers" make the ride stiffer too.

...doh, yes, that would help, lol...:D

i would first read some threads here on the motor swap...these threads are priceless on the info you will learn on what they had to do to accomadate that motor, and what they did on their lift...;)

...i don't know the weight difference in the motors but it is minimul compared to the springs you are wanting to run...the f150 coilspacers only lift the sitting area of the coilspring and they do not have any stiffening affect...now buying new 2" over lift coils will give you 2" of lift and you can order them stiff for your vehicle...i am not sure of the variables on your truck but i would highly suggest looking into something like the skyjacker 4" lift, james duff 4" lift, etc...these have quality parts and i believe you can pick and choose with thes companies...
...again i suggest looking into the motor swap threads , good luck...:D

I have been. about a year or so ago i got a 302 out of a 74 econo van with a c4 and transfer case. plus it will get soild axels, so thats kinda what ive been going at :confused: :D

if your doing solid axles then its just dumb to be using 250 coils, they wont flex worth a damn even with the 302. If your doing the SAS get EB coils, they came with a 302 a relatively same front end weight as an explorer.

Wildhorses 5.5" coils have worked for a number of members.

I still feel that my whildhorse coils are a little stiff. I want to get a softer coil.

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well, compare it to the stiffness of a superduty coil? It would be like riding on air.
