95+ 2wd driveshaft to short | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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95+ 2wd driveshaft to short


Well-Known Member
March 23, 1999
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City, State
Alpharetta, GA
Year, Model & Trim Level
95 xlt
my driveshaft on my 95 2wd is too short. Is the driveshaft for a 2wd diff than a 4x4? also does anyone know if there is a longer driveshaft that will work (maybe a ranger or something?) I dont want to have to spend 100-150 to have it lengthened if i cant use it on a 4x4 since i plan on converting it to 4x4 with sas in the next year.

thanks jeff

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yea i think the 2wd shafts are longer than 4x4 because 4wds actually have a transfer case. if your planning on converting, i would hold onto it, unless its your only car and you dont have a driveshaft, it could hinder your transportation abilities.

You could go ahead and change the azz of the tranny, get the tcase, and new rear shaft now and do the SAS later. You won't have any problems running a tcase always in hi until then, even if you don't hook up the tcase shifter.

dont i have to change the entire tranny?

no, just the tail end. Costs like $150 and it's not that hard from what I hear. The hardest part is dropping then reinstalling the tranny.

What is the ass thing called? can i get that from a parts yard?

also I called a place and they want 100 bucks to lengthen the shaft. How much do i need it lenghthened with the soa?

The tranny tailshaft housing. I might have some pics of the differences between the 4X2 and 4X4 trannies (V8, at least). Hold on.. :D

I never thought of this. This is a great idea. My driveshaft is also a bit too short (2WD too). I am also planningon a 4WD conversion and SAS in about a year and a half. If I could just do this now that would be great, and I'd be half-way (ok, realistically nowhere close to half) done. Thanks for the idea!

To find out how much you need it lengthened, either just measure the distance from your tailhousing to diff now and let them calculate it or find another X like yours, but stock height and measure it from tranny to diff. Compare the 2 measurements and see how much they're different.

also what wireing willl i need for the T-case?

Originally posted by jeffseal
also what wireing willl i need for the T-case?

You'll want to get a manual one. An electronic one will require new computer modules (GEM for sure) and lots of wire harness swapping or modification. Plus it's always nice to be able to shift it yourself.

So are you trying to decide whether to do the tranny mods, tcase, and new shaft or whether to just lengthen the shaft?

Cause if you've decided to go ahead and start the conversion you're gonna need a shorter rear shaft.

Here is the housing needed for a tcase...

Basically it's just an adapter so your tcase can bolt to the tranny.


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yeah i know ill need a new driveshaft for the rear when i need a converstion that is why i dont want to have to lengthen the one i have now and end up replaceing it in a few months.

also do any of the late model exploeres have manual shift transfer case? if so which one?

No late model explorers have manual shift. Just get a manual-shift BW 1354.

can i get that used from a parts yard, i am going for the low buck build up here.

also does that need any other adapter?
it will have levers that need to come up threw the floor?
what does it run new? used?

also... Will i have to change the output shaft in the tranny, I was reading kris's write up for his navajo and he had to change it. is the late model the same.

Regardless of tcase you will still need to change the output of the tranny. But a manual 1354 will bolt right up to an output from a junked Explorer.

And yes, you will have a stubby shifter come up through the floor. If you have a full center console, you'll need to swap to a short center console.

how hard and involved is changing the output of the tranny is that something i could do or do i need to bring it to a tranny shop
