95+ Body Lift on eBay!! | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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95+ Body Lift on eBay!!

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lol.. first things first, 95-97 & 98-01 steering extensions aren't the same, 02-05 aren't either. This guy probably isn't a member of this site..

I thought 98+ steering extensions were the same. The 98+ one can be made work on the 95-97, I did this on my old Explorer.

if the steering extensions are different, what one comes in the pa-853 kit? 95-97 or 98+ ?

Maybe I just don't know enough about lifts, but it does not list steering extensions or bumper brackets as being part of the kit does it?






Maybe hes buying ranger kits and reselling or something.

I've seen that guy on Cardomain, he's got that big ol Explorer on there. I wish it came with everything, maybe I'll ask him about it.

its by some unnammed company and isnt available as its his prototype that he has.......

um... in that case...... is it legal to sell? would it probably be a bad idea to buy it, yes..... no word or even a company name t ogo after, no tech support

i have PROTOTYPE SDORI www.sdori.com balljoint spacers on my yota...... they are being tested by me, and were designed by me and sdori... i have been allowed to post pictures and a writeup on them and they have asked me for permission to use my name as their guniee pig..... yes they gave them to me..... but they are a named company. and i worked with them in their build... if you go to their site, they actually credit me and mention they should be availabe for sale with a price later this upcoming week
