'97 V8 AWD front axle problems | Page 2 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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'97 V8 AWD front axle problems

Yes, those are the bolts. The service guide has a ton of warnings about getting the right torque on those bolts, and tightening them evenly, and making sure the CV joint and the tcase flange are evenly spaced all around. I realize that I really can't test the shaft without pulling it, however, with the amount of torque that it takes to get it to pop right now, I am not sure I would notice anything. I was going to see if I could find a local driveline shop to test it, but my first look didn't turn up any. I assume they can put it on a machine and test it.
It just seems that when Ford put it back, the bolts were entirely too loose. I don't know that this could cause an immediate problem, but I still can't help but make the connection to the work that was done (which is maybe wishful thinking on my part due to the fact that I'm cheap, and don't want to pay for the repair). Still, they shoulda torqued it properly.

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Be careful with the front u-joint bolts also, they take a #30 torx bit. I broke my first no name brand bit. My shaft looked fine, and the noise was relatively loud, but it seemed to come from the differential, or axle. The noise would only happen when driving. When I removed the shaft, that CV joint felt awful, it clearly was bad.

Try to find a used one on Ebay, or check with Midwest Mustangs(Terry), they do V8 Explorers. Regards,

I hit the brakes on the highway this morning, and created the pop from the braking force. First time that happened, but I tend to stay off the highway until I get this figured out. On th bright side, my gas mileage should go way up since I'm really trying not to drive with a lead foot! ;-)

Say Joe, have you thought of the noise being suspension related? There is a friction surface between the torsion bar key, and the frame. The 95-97 models are common to have that kevlar pad wear away, leading to a clunk, or popping noise. The kevlar material is bonded to the torsion bar key, and costs around $30.

Lay under the truck, and tug hard on the torsion bars, near the rear mount. If you can create some movement, or noise, you should probably change those two parts. It would require that the tension on the torsion bars is relieved, to allow the rear to release the key. That can be done by unbolting the upper control arms, and allowing the suspension to sag down fully. Regards,

Hmmm, interesting. I *think* I would have noticed when I was laying down there, but I'll make sure to pay attention to that just to rule it out. It would certainly be nice for it to be something cheap.

The last noise that you mentioned, and the mileage, makes it a good possibility. Regards,

Didn't have much time last night, but crawled under there for a minute. Didn't seem loose. Actually seemed rock solid. Also, would you expect multiple pops as a result of a torsion bar issue? And I would expect more noise going over bumps, or around corners if it was the torsion bar.

I get pops in my suspension from acceleration and braking and it is from a combination of the torsion bars and Ball Joints (I think most of it is Torsion Bars, but I know some of it is from BJ's).

I definitely only have the pops coming from one place, and it is behind the front suspension. I'm going to push Ford to look at that driveshaft for me, because I just don't have the time, and don't want to pull it, and find a replacement, if that's not it. And since they have to re-check the bolts, they can take the time to do it.

If nothing turns up there, I am going to try another suggestion, and mark the rear driveshaft to see if there is a "slip" happeing inside the transfer case. Geez, you'd think a loud noise would be EASY to find!

Ford is going to look at it Friday morning. I'll see if they take responsibility for anything, and go from there. He immediately asked me if tightening the bolts solved the problem - like I'd be calling them if it did.

Well, I'm sitting in the Ford dealership right now. They, of course, told me that the bolts on the driveshaft aren't that important (as far as being perfectly torque'd). They also believe that there is enough play in the driveshaft to point to the chain the tcase as the problem. Guess I'm looking for a tcase. Don't think I want to get into rebuilding it. I knew that AWD was going to bite me one day.

Look into V8Boatbuilders thread on tossing in a BW4406 from an expedition instead of a BW4404. They are electronic control trac 4WD, so its not "always on" like the mechanical 4404 is, but its so smooth that you don't notice it engaging (according to V8BoatBuilder).

If you do continue with the BW4404, go with a low mileage or rebuilt one. If the chain doesn't stretch too much in an older one, the viscous coupler goes. I think there were also a couple for sale on this board at one point.

Yeah, I've looked. V8Boatbuilder sold his for 50 bucks! Junkyards are mostly quoting $750, although some a bit less. That's a lot for one with the same mileage as mine. I found this place with rebuilt for $800 (http://transfercases.com/transfer-case-models.htm). The 4406 would be nice, but if that is the same one that V8Boatbuilder put in his, I would also need two new driveshafts, a new gas tank, and a LOT more time. I'm not sure I want to get into that, but if I do, I'll be building myself a nice off-road ride!

I'd also love to know how he found a $150 transfer case. The other problem is that I gotta fill this thing up enough. The LAST thing I want is a SMALLER gas tank.

Geez, looking at the title of this thread I guess it's time to start a new one.

The AWD transfer cases seem to be available occasionally, for about $250 used. Good luck,

I'm looking. I think I'd rather find a rebuilt for $700 (which I have) then get another one with 120k miles on it for $500. Also, it's getting a lot worse. I'm not 100% convinced that Ford knows what they are talking about. I would still like to test that driveshaft. I gotta find a shop around here!
