97 XLT howdy to all | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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97 XLT howdy to all


May 14, 2009
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97 XLT
Bought the 97 for my son last year and he returned it to me when he bought a new Honda. I like it but it has some issues. I guess we all do and so do our trucks. Anyway I've been checking out the forums for a couple of weeks. First thing I did was changed the mud in the oil pan. Next will be the brown transmission fluid, filter and pan clean up. It has the OD flash problem but it goes away. Will the code still be stored if the OD light stops flashing? Any good trans shops in Montgomery County, MD? Other than the trans thing the truck has 143k but runs and looks good. DJ

Yes the codes will be stored from the flashing o/d light.

My ranger was a quart low on trans fluid and on really cold days the o/d light would flash if I didn't let it warm up. I added a quart and changed the differential fluid and I havnt had a problem since.

Welcome to the forum.

welcome djh
