How to: - 98 5.0 AWD Auto to 5spd M5R2 and 4406 M | Page 13 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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How to: 98 5.0 AWD Auto to 5spd M5R2 and 4406 M

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haha, your right, i dropped the ball on that... as of right now it's in the body shop because someone nailed me but when i get it back and the weather is nicer I'll try and remember to do this.

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i hate that someone smacked it. that sucks.
got a question. would it be possible to get rid of the "miss" by using a computer from a f150 with a standard shift transmission? i had some other questions but can't remember them right now, if you don't mind.

Did they ever make an F150 with a stick, and a 5.0 with distributor-less ignition? I can't remember one. Maybe a Bronco??

Of course, some innovative tuning and the use of MSD ignition controls may get you by...but now we're talking some pretty serious money.

i hate that someone smacked it. that sucks.
got a question. would it be possible to get rid of the "miss" by using a computer from a f150 with a standard shift transmission? i had some other questions but can't remember them right now, if you don't mind.

yeah along then lines of what cobra guy said I think it would be a much bigger project because you'd have to convert all the wiring if not do an engine swap just to make that work. If you are going that route why even pick an F150 computer, it's not like the tranny has any real electronics on it, you'd be better off just getting an aftermarket computer and tune.

yeah i thought about that later.

i started looking for my parts this morning. all i got so far is a clutch pedal assembly for $15 from a 97 2 door.

BTW im new to the ford modification thing. done some mods to my old 97 blazer.

If anyone is interested in doing this swap I have a reflashed NRT1 98 V8 ecu. ONLY works for 98.

PATS has been removed, auto trans codes removed (you need ONE resistor to get rid of the last code, I forget what offhand, but can provide that and instructions). I can also do minor changes for rear 02 sensor deletes and so forth too.

I had it custom flashed to remove the hesitation issue from the VSS as well.

$250... saves you a lot of headache trying to deal with SCT or otherwise, and you won't have the hesitation problem.

woah, ouch. what happened?


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This build thread is AWESOME! Every issue dealt with as is comes, with pictures! I have wanted to do this for some time. This just fuels my fire.

I'm really considering doing this to my 96, though I wanna keep the BW4404. I'm not really into playing in the mud but I really want a stick for some expressway/pavement purposes. This thread is so long though and so much dealing with the t-case swap and drive shafts.

Am I to understand that the M5R2 is the same length as the 4R70W and both can receive the same transfer cases? If that's the case, what I wanna do is a matter of the right trans, adding clutch components and getting to PCM to forget about the automatic trans.

Now that I've converted mine to a 2WD, I have got to try this with a T56...

Now that I've converted mine to a 2WD, I have got to try this with a T56...

I was actually talking about just that with someone else in a different thread. I'm really looking for some "go fast" power and shifting aggression. I'm not into playing in the dirt and mud. One thing about the M5R2 I'm not real keen on is the gear ratios. They are REALLY far apart. 1st gear is probably a real tough SOB compared to the T56 but the ratio jumps between gears is significantly higher.

Alas, I dont think the T56 ever saw a 4x4, certainly not in a ford anyway. Though the thought of re-gearing 1st 2nd and 3rd and the M5R2 has indeed crossed my mind. That's be pretty sweet in it's own right, I'm told the M5R2 is a much tougher trans all around than the Borg Warner T.

This post should tell you pretty much everything you need (for more detail on specific things, you'll have to search through the thread):

i don't know for sure because I haven't done it, but i think if you are keeping the same tcase then you can reuse your drive shafts.

Thanks for that link too Nick. I opened it after replying to your PM. I tried to write you again in thanks, but I think the PM box did something weird cause it sent it to me and not you. Still getting the feel for this board.

Alas, I dont think the T56 ever saw a 4x4, certainly not in a ford anyway.

Believe it or not, the trans is being made to mate to a transfer case. Rockland Standard Gear is one source


Believe it or not, the trans is being made to mate to a transfer case. Rockland Standard Gear is one source


That sir a beautiful thing. Don't think it's in my junkyard trans budget. I wonder about just getting the tailshaft and housing for one. Still probably more than I wanna spend on one. Maybe cheaper (and certainly easier) than regearing 1st 2nd and 3rd on an M5R2. :thumbsup:

You would also need the main shaft and have to disassemble the trans and install it.

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That wouldn't be too big of a deal. Wouldn't be my first time inside a manual gear box. This kind of a "down the road" project anyway. Some other things that need attention on my truck first. I am gonna start collecting any parts I find around the yards for this swap though. I'll have to run a couple different cost projections. I'd be quite content with the m5r2 as a very strong trans if the price is right on it and a few smaller gears for all the reduction gears. Could be just as happy with a t-5 if the cost wasn't out of this world to make it mate a t-case.
