98 SOHC rough idle | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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98 SOHC rough idle


Well-Known Member
August 27, 2009
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City, State
Johnson City/Binghamton,NY
Year, Model & Trim Level
1998 XLT
Hello guys I have a 98 SOHC with about 105xxx miles on it, and for a while now hot or cold(worse in the cold) when I start it before pressing the throttle it will jump to about 1300rpms drop to about 600rpms before leveling out. It never gets to the point where I think its gonna quit out on me. Also when it starts up until I drive it there is a horrible like rattle noise from the front end(death rattle?) And well the muffler needs to be changed too.

Any suggestions on what to look for to fix the idle problem and the rattle problem? Also I'm a beginning "grease monkey" so as plain english you guys could use the better. Thanks.

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i have a 98 sohc XLT, doing the same thing from 1300 to 600 when cold, it dies sometimes when cold, but runs better when warm, im messing with checking stuff and swapping out a sensor, will let you know whats up

Autozone may carry a similar product which is specifically designed as an MAF cleaner. I got a can in Pepboys.

Autozone may carry a similar product which is specifically designed as an MAF cleaner. I got a can in Pepboys.

I'm trying to avoid going at the MAF just yet if possible I have a bottle of that cleaner in an earlier post that I'm just checking to make sure if its alright to use on my IAC and I'm also going to try and clean my throttle body and see if that would help, would that cleaner be safe for my IAC since its not "sensitive electronics"

Cleaned my IAC this morning, once I get paid I'm going to get some throttle body and MAF cleaner and go to town on those, so far once I got the truck re used to the air flow it started quite nice and idles at about 900 and it no longer sounds like I have a midget with a hammer in the engine bay.

mine was the intake gaskets and intake itself being cracked, check my post out that you replied in
