98 xlt 4dr. Passngr door lock broke and shut, any tricks to get OPEN? Pic inside | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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98 xlt 4dr. Passngr door lock broke and shut, any tricks to get OPEN? Pic inside


Well-Known Member
September 10, 2001
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City, State
grand rapids, mi
Year, Model & Trim Level
98 xlt
The passenger door has a broken latch/lock. I think it's currently unlocked but the handle inside and outside does nothing.
The screws are out by the handle but it's nearly impossible to get the panel off so what now?
Explosives? Sledge hammer?


  • door (Medium).JPG
    door (Medium).JPG
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As you already have the two armrest screws out, the panel is held on with plastic pushpins (I think its 3 on each side, 4 on bottom) and a long lip next to the window. Pushpins come first. It will take a little work on the bottom ones due to the seat in the way, but you can pull all of them free using a prybar. I would recommend the type used by flooring installers as it short and wide. Slide the edge between the panel and door. Move along the edge until you come to a block or obstruction (the pushpin) - pull sharply directly away from the door. They are 1/2" long so you may need a couple good yanks. Once you work all the way around to pop off the pushpins, lift the panel up from the back and rock the lip forward from the top of the door. Panel will be off but connected to your power window and lock wires. Disconnect the wires and place your panel out of the way. You can now access the lock mechanism through the door cutouts. Depending on what you find, you can usually move the operating rods to open the door from here.

The process outlined is actually pretty quick and easy (maybe 5 minutes), but I will assume you have never done it before. To give you a better idea of how to proceed, you might want to do a practice run on the open drivers door. Putting it back together is just as quick. Make sure the pushpins are lined up straight with the mounting holes then push or slap in place with your hand. Don't worry if you bend or break them. A box of 15 costs $3 at most any autoparts store.

Cool, I'll give it a shot and see what I can do.

with a little luck and finding a tool that will work in the garage

I'd order one of these first:

Then begin the tear down. Or at least get one from a U-PICK scrap yard or something.

That way you don't have to work twice. Unless you don't mind driving around without a door panel until you get the part.

i may drive around with no door panel...i Think the existing door handle will not be able to be reused, pulled right out when the door lock started acting up

the front won't pop off because it's stuck behind the vent area..i got the back off and am trying to put my hand in there to figure out how to pop the door open

pull the steel bar that is sticking out of the door to the left.

If you have most all of the pushpins out, you can try pushing the panel up and tilting forward. One or two shouldn't be too difficult to shear or pull free from their mounting bracket (just look at the others you have already pulled - cheap piece of plastic pushed in to a slot in the door panel). The whole panel needs to lift about 3 or 4 inches to take off of the door. It should be able to clear the dash.

pull the steel bar that is sticking out of the door to the left.

i pulled the steel bar that goes to the handle and nothing happened...whatever broke is broke pretty good

If you have most all of the pushpins out, you can try pushing the panel up and tilting forward. One or two shouldn't be too difficult to shear or pull free from their mounting bracket (just look at the others you have already pulled - cheap piece of plastic pushed in to a slot in the door panel). The whole panel needs to lift about 3 or 4 inches to take off of the door. It should be able to clear the dash.

I think breaking the remaining pushpins is probably the answer if i can't reach in and get the door open..
THANKS :biggthump

That happened to my XLT. 'Cept it was the drivers door. Drove around like that for a month or so. That was years ago.... Anyways the bar needs to be pushed towards the rear of the truck. By your pic, to the right. You will feel the latch open up at the end of the rod. Imagine pushing something to mechanically open with a wire coat hanger. Give it a few quick shoves(?), or pushes. It always took me from 1 - 5 times to open the door.

Anyways the bar needs to be pushed towards the rear of the truck. By your pic, to the right.

Oops guess I was wrong... Push towards the back of the truck.

That happened to my XLT. 'Cept it was the drivers door. Drove around like that for a month or so. That was years ago.... Anyways the bar needs to be pushed towards the rear of the truck. By your pic, to the right. You will feel the latch open up at the end of the rod. Imagine pushing something to mechanically open with a wire coat hanger. Give it a few quick shoves(?), or pushes. It always took me from 1 - 5 times to open the door.

:bsnicker: i can confirm that pulling doesn't open the door
i'll try the push tomorrow

pushin or pulling the bar won't get the door open.
I did get the panel off though which is good.

Now I have to figure out what the next step should be just to be able to get the door to open and shut so somebody can actually sit in the passenger seat.

I know the lock was sticking before and I'd have to mess with the handle to get it to pop up/open door.

So I don't know if that lock needs some spray because these things get seized up or does something actually break and I need to figure out how to open door and remove some parts?
