99 Electrical issues | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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99 Electrical issues


New Member
December 26, 2005
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City, State
San Diego
Year, Model & Trim Level
99 XLT
On my 99 XLT my winshield wipers intermittantly go off while just driving down the road. Also using my turn signals sets off the windshield wipers. Is there a relay or specific wire I can look at or see where I might have a short?

Your MFS in your column which controls all that stuff is potentially bad or has a loose connector.

^^I agree^^

The multifunction switch is usually the culprit. About $60. at the dealers & 1/2 hour to change it. Most dealers have it in stock as they do go bad.

MFS in Column

You guys left out the 45 curse words required while working on/in the column. Had to replace the whole wiper lever thingy and it was horrid. HORRID. When I finally got it out (seems everything is controlled by the box at the end of the stalk), I flung it down the drive, yelling. The neighbors were concerned. Ahem.

Anyway, it was a royal pain in my `96...hope your `99 permits easier access. Allow a bit more time is what I'm sayin'...
