A/C Blower Craziness when going uphill | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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A/C Blower Craziness when going uphill


Well-Known Member
April 30, 2002
Reaction score
City, State
North Georgia, USA
Year, Model & Trim Level
'95 XLT
OK, I ran a search, but didn't see anything this screwy.

Lately when my 1995 4WD 4.0 OHV Explorer is being driven uphill the A/C blower stops blowing through the vents. after I reach the top of the hill (less strain on the engine) the air resumes blowing through the vents. The blower is running the whole time, but the air slowly stops blowing through the vents when going uphill. Everything else works great on my A/C system.

I have no idea where to start with this one. :wtf:

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In for answers as well, mine does weird stuff too sometimes.

You have a vacuum leak in your hvac controls. Mine did the same thing till I found the leak at the vacuum globe and on the 4x4 control module on the front axle.

Mine was doing something very similar. Turned out the vacuum leak was the brake booster.

Is there a logical method to find the leak?

Mine does something similar. Instead of totally stopping blowing it will blow through the defrost only. It does this when the heat is on as well.

That thread is gonna help a bunch, thanks! :thumbsup:
