A/C Oil question | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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A/C Oil question


Active Member
February 25, 2008
Reaction score
City, State
South Carolina
Year, Model & Trim Level
96 XLT
I have one other questions. I had to remove the accumulator today onmy 96 explorer. While removing it some neon green looking oil spilled onto my hand I was quick to wash it off. I just wanted to know if there were any dangers by touching this stuff.
Just a couple hours after I started having body aches and extreme nausea. I believe there is a virus going around where I live, but I would just like to be sure since I have never touched this stuff before. Keep in mind I just got a little on my hand, I didn't ingest it or anything. Thanks in advance. I'm kinda of a worry wart about chemicals that are unknown to me.

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I've had a little of the oil on me myself. It's not a big deal, really, it's the refrigerant that's the nasty stuff.

I have had it on me with no ill effect. But if it came out of the system it probly did have some refrigerant mixed with it. it does tend to mix a litle when they are running through the system

Thanks for the replies. I had a rough time last night. Body was aching like I had the flu. I feel pretty good since I got out of bed around 11 am this morning. Sure brought some added comfort to know that stuff wasn't really harmful. Thanks again.

Thanks for the replies. I had a rough time last night. Body was aching like I had the flu. I feel pretty good since I got out of bed around 11 am this morning. Sure brought some added comfort to know that stuff wasn't really harmful. Thanks again.

PAG Oil wont hurt you. If chemicals bother you buy a box of nitrile gloves.
