A4LD... time for rebuild? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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A4LD... time for rebuild?


March 27, 2005
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Vancouver, WA, USA
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My wife's 1991 Ex's AL4D is getting shady. Once you are on the freeway and going over 45mph it doesn't seem to know which gear it wants to be in. It'll shift up/down for no apparent reason... and if you get going faster and put it in 4th it is even less decisive. Frequently it'll kick back to 3rd and hella-high RPMs ensue. Her rig has a lot of miles (175,000 ish) and the guy we got it from said it had a rebuild at 90k (if thats to be believed, I don't). Questions:

1) what is the likely cause? I contacted a local rebuilder and this is the reponse he sent...

"It's probably experiencing low line pressure, or a sticking valve in the valve body. I do recommend going through the trans (rebuild). sticky governer controls the line pressure."

2) It seems highly likely to me that it needs a rebuild, considering its age and the normal lifespan of the AL4D. The guy says he can build it back to stock specs for $650 + not including install/removal or the torque converter. Good price?

3) What upgrades if any should I look into? I have a big cooler from my K5 that I am going to add, and a remote filter kit also. Is there anything else I should consider? This rig is strictly a DD/camping type rig... no big tires, hammering down or offroad action at all. When I asked my rebuilder about upgrades for the AL4D he said...

"theres not really any upgrades I could do, other than installing a heavier duty direct drum (3rd) and machining the forward piston to allow room for 1 more clutch and steel in that clutch pack. Witch does make it stronger."

any thoughts/opinions appreciated. I'm a fullsize chevy guy, and don't really know jack about ford automatics. I am searching/reading threads here on the forum, but specific answers to specific questions take a while to find sometimes... any help is appreciated. :)


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Did you check the fluid level?

yeppers, it has plenty of fluid...


$650 seems like a good price... mine was somethign like $1200, pulled rebuilt and put back in

well, the $650 was not including install, so expect a few hundred there if not more. and they'll probably find something else "wrong" that "needs" to be replaced. I just paid $1300 for mine.

Im doing the install/removal myself. I recently pulled my K5s trans/tcase and am assembling a th400+np203+np205 doubler for that rig... I oughta be able to get the tranny in/out in the Ex without to much difficulty. It might take a weekend of busted knuckles, but it'll prolly also save a couple of hundred bucks. :thumbsup: :)


yeah, I misunderstood. Good plan.

You should check out Glacier's A4LD rebuild diary in the stickies in this section. He talks about the possible upgrades and mods that are possible when rebuilding the A4LD.

I just fixed a similar problem on mine (shifting up/down for no apparent reason). When it would be in a gear, though, the gears were strong. A $20.00 part fixed it. Here's the thread:


I figure checking the vacuum lines and/or trying an easy to change part is worth a try, before opening or pulling the tranny. The shifting is very dependant on vacuum. This time with tranny fluid getting into the vacuum line I had the symptoms above. A few months ago the vacuum line got pulled off, and it acted different (weird shifting all around).

As far as rebuilding, I agree with dogfriend, Glacier991 is the man!

ok, I tried checking out the modulator... it seems fine, vacuum is fine, no fluid in there.

I have the money right now, so if I have to rebuild the tranny I have, thats OK. What worries me though, is that I'm gonna have it rebuilt, get it back in there... and it will do the exact same crap. How much electronic/puter control is there in the A4LD?

I have had some issues with this rig lately. Started with the engine reving up to high RPM even when my foot isn't on the gas. I cleaned the IAC and TPS and that didn't help... ended up being the cruise control. I never use it anyway, so I just disconnected it from the throttle linkage. Problem solved (well, kinda). A few months later, throttle was getting a little bit nutty again, so I replaced the TPS, seemed to do the trick. Well, more recently I have noticed that when I start the rig up, my headlights are dim at idle and they kinda flicker too. Makes me wonder if I don't have some kind of charging and/or electrical issue that may be the root cause of all of my problems. The tranny has fluid, and it isn't burnt. It just doesn't want to stay in any given gear at high speed.

Are there any other sensors I should check into? What about the VSS? could that be part of the problem?

Considering this meandering diatribe... anyone have any advice for me? :) It seems to me that the tranny isn't really toast... something is just telling it to shift at weird times...


The only 2 solenoids in an A4LD are the TCC, and the 3-4 OD. There are a few different modifications that could be done to the VB to improve its shifting pattern. I would also suggest that you read the Project Frankentranny sticky to see about modifying your A4LD with 5R55E parts if you are considering rebuilding it. First start with your voltage problem. If you don't have about 14.7 volts at idle with everything off, then you have a charging problem. This will definitely affect your engine, and transmission. The next thing to do is to adjust your kick down cable, and bands. Did you scan the PCM? Are there any codes?

When the A4LD hunts (as you describe your symptoms) several things come to mind. First, is the modulator and engine vacuum. You said you checked the modulator and it is ok... have you put a vacuum gauge on the engine?

The next thing is the valve body. Can be as simple as bolts too loose, or can be sticking valves. The A4LD Valve Body Rebuild Diary covers these issues and more.

Lastly, we come to the infamous governor. It gets implicated in this scenario and is notorious.

All of these can be explored and repaired without removing the transmission.

On a rebuild. You can add a plate the the direct drum without any machining and there are quite a few other upgrades. The A4LD Diary details all of these. New ones come along from time to time and I have added those as I find them.

$650 sounds to me like it is a basic soft parts rebuild. I am not a fan of these kind of rebuilds for this transmission. They need a little more TLC than your usual rebuild.... and some new parts.

My biggest compliment here was when someone working for a FORD dealership said their service department printed out the A4LD Rebuild Diary to add to the FORD factory manual for their technicians. You will learn a lot by reading it. Warning, it's long. Also take a look at the A4LD Valve Body Rebuild Diary. Both are in the "stickies" section at the top of the forum.

Hope this helps.
