About to join the Ford Explorer Sport family.. | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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About to join the Ford Explorer Sport family..


New Member
November 20, 2019
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Year, Model & Trim Level
2017 Ford Explorer Sport
Hello, everyone!

I am looking at a 2016/2017 Explorer Sport in Chicagoland. There are plenty of them out here. I am interested in not paying more then 28k with one with under 40k miles. Would love to have one in Grey but Red will also work.
Coming from tuned 2012 GTI I am planning on tuning that one as well ;)

Anything you guys need me to watch out for while looking at the car? I do not like the idea of extended warranty but would like to hear people's opinions. I'm planning on keeping the car for a while.

I know that 16 will come with Sync 2 but I think I can live with that.

Thank you !

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Hello, everyone!

I am looking at a 2016/2017 Explorer Sport in Chicagoland. There are plenty of them out here. I am interested in not paying more then 28k with one with under 40k miles. Would love to have one in Grey but Red will also work.
Coming from tuned 2012 GTI I am planning on tuning that one as well ;)

Anything you guys need me to watch out for while looking at the car? I do not like the idea of extended warranty but would like to hear people's opinions. I'm planning on keeping the car for a while.

I know that 16 will come with Sync 2 but I think I can live with that.

Thank you !

go to www.edmunds.com and do search, I see plenty of 2017s under 40k miles at 27K or less

You need to check for the timing chain rattle

Edit: check for the 2018, if you like the face lift. They are under 28k also...

Welcome to the Forum dozol22.:wave:
If you plan to keep it for a long time, I would suggest that you seriously look at getting an ESP. There is a thread about getting an ESP at a reasonable price in the 'Sticky' section of this subforum. One of the more expensive repairs concerns the internal water pump leaking into the engine. Water pump failure leads to dead engine


go to www.edmunds.com and do search, I see plenty of 2017s under 40k miles at 27K or less

You need to check for the timing chain rattle

Edit: check for the 2018, if you like the face lift. They are under 28k also...
I do not see a single Sport from 16 or 17 for under 30k. Maybe because my radius is only set for 100 miles.

Welcome to the Forum dozol22.:wave:
If you plan to keep it for a long time, I would suggest that you seriously look at getting an ESP. There is a thread about getting an ESP at a reasonable price in the 'Sticky' section of this subforum. One of the more expensive repairs concerns the internal water pump leaking into the engine. Water pump failure leads to dead engine

Do you recommend getting the warranty from the dealer or purchase later? If later, are there any specific companies that I should get quotes from?

As mentioned, there is a thread in the 'Sticky' section about getting an ESP. It is at the top of the page of this subforum. Ford ESP at dealer cost to forum members I would not get it from a dealer or 3rd party. As it is considered being a previously owned vehicle, you will first have to have it inspected. I believe there are posts about that in that thread as well.


Thanks guys! I narrowed my search to cars under 41k miles to be able to buy ESP with 150k miles of coverage.
Question on Sync 3. Is it worth getting 2017 over 2016 just to have sync 3?

Thanks guys! I narrowed my search to cars under 41k miles to be able to buy ESP with 150k miles of coverage.
Question on Sync 3. Is it worth getting 2017 over 2016 just to have sync 3?
If you get a chance, try them both, or at least Sync 2. This is going to be a personal choice but the overwhelming consensus is that Sync 3 is much better. You'll have to decide what that might be worth paying extra for when you compare used vehicles - there are ways to upgrade but you can read about undertaking that in other threads.
