ABS defeat switch | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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ABS defeat switch

'97 V8

Explorer Addict
April 2, 2005
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City, State
ft. knox ky
Year, Model & Trim Level
'97 mounty 5.0 4x4 baby!!
As many of you know our trucks have ABS. ABS means anti-lock brake system. This prevents the wheels from locking up when you press on the brake pedal really hard. Now during regul;ar driving on wet roads or icy roads abs is a great feature. However in heavy snow driving or off roading, ABS is plain dangerous in my opinion. The reason is that while you want to stop while off roading, your wheels do tend to slip while going down hill when using the brake. ABS will not let the wheel lock up and you still contnue forward. In my case, almost hitting the truck in front of you.

So after reading an article in fourwheeler about an abs switch i decided this was a good idea.

So i located the abs fuse and removed it. Its fuse #14 and is rated at 10 amps. I took two 3 foot long wires and stripped the ends. Then i soldered thier ends.

After thats i stuck fuse ends on the one side of the wires to plug into the fuse box. As shown in the picture.
Then the other side i used connectors and connected to an on-off switch rated for 10 amps.

Now i have an instant abs defeat switch. The look is factory too imo. This took me about 30 mins ( i didnt have a 3/4" drill bit so i had to widen my 5/16" hole)

Cost was about 15 bucks.


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My ABS light was on in my 94, just pulled the fuses used for ABS and removed the ABS light itself. Wasn't worth looking into it to fix it since like you, i hate having ABS in the snow an I have come close to hitting cars because of it. Switch is a good idea, nice job. :thumbsup:

:thumbsup: :thumbsup: this is a great idea as far as i am concerned, i have been trying to figure out how to do this for a while now. EXCELLENT post and write-up :thumbsup: :thumbsup: . will be doing this mod tomorrow depending on the weather

:thumbsup: :thumbsup: this is a great idea as far as i am concerned, i have been trying to figure out how to do this for a while now. EXCELLENT post and write-up :thumbsup: :thumbsup: . will be doing this mod tomorrow depending on the weather


no, thank you for getting this mod finally posted and posted right. i can't wait to " get r done " . nice to see yet another wheeler from canada also ;) . to bad ya are on the OTHER coast LMAO ;) :D

was that hole there in the bezel? also does your ABS light come on when you hit the switch?


I like my ABS. The newer trucks(I believe with the electronic speed sensor) will loose the speedo when you do this "mod".

BTT for a great Mod

you don't know which issue that was by any chance do you?? i'd like to just read the article.......

you don't know which issue that was by any chance do you?? i'd like to just read the article.......

The 98 and newer trucks may lose the function of the speedo when the abs is turned off. Now heres the kicker. I have seen a 98 V8 explorer have a speedo while the abs light was illuminated due to a blown fuse. Anywas, when your going 5mph or less, you really dont need a speedo.

yeah thats what i'm thinking right, who really watches the speado when your offroad :burnout: i know i never do. so there for this mod is an excellent one :biggthump for those that have the problem with slipping when going down a slope or over rocks. :thumbsup: :thumbsup: . only thing i'm wondering is, what if your not good with soldering things, like the wires? is there anything else you can use instead of the clips from a fuse to plug the wires in?? seeings as they are the tiny little fuses?? :confused:

ya. You, twist the copper wire tight, then insert it into the hole for the fuse holder, then crimp the part where your supposed to crim.

Thanks for the idea but it my first vehicule and a i don't want to #### it up so... What are the problem that mey accure during this mod. Will i lose function of my speedometer and if so can i wire it another way. Oh bay the way i have a 97 Explorer Spt SOHC 4.0L 4X4

you wont have an issue with your speedo, your a 97.

kool thanks, i did the mod last night and it's all good. It took longer then usual because i did attach my wire by the back of the fuse box, it look modifed just in cast my insurence say something. Thanks a lot

I did this mod the other day- I had a switch in my truck that wasn't being used, thought this was a neat idea. Obviously, this is for off road use only, I will never turn it off when driving on the street.

Very cool mod and idea.

I did this mod the other day- I had a switch in my truck that wasn't being used, thought this was a neat idea. Obviously, this is for off road use only, I will never turn it off when driving on the street.

Very cool mod and idea.

definatly off road only. I slammed on the brakes with it in the wet for ***** and grins....that was was pretty interesting. The rear likes to come out :D

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On a 98, will this throw the CEL on and will I lose the speedo/odometer? Again, for a 98.

ok, nvm, i got the answer kinda... is it a for sure thing il lose the speedo/odometer or no? seems its mainly the 00+ but idk..

a blown fuse is the same as if the connections been cut, right? so then id be able to keep the speedo?.. this is kinda confusing.. i dont know electronics too well when it comes to fuses n relays n stuff.. lol
