ABS light on after overhaul | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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ABS light on after overhaul

Giant Turtle

January 18, 2010
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1999 XLT
I'm trying to determine the most likely cause of an ABS light. I'll get the code diagnosed, but always like to go to the shop armed with information. Here's the situation:

I just overhauled my 1999 Explorer XLT. I replaced all four calipers, rotors, rear bearings and seals, front hubs, ball joints, tie rods and CV axles - oh, and parking brakes (PITA!). I bled the brakes and things seems pretty tight. When I reconnected the battery and turned her on I got a ABS light - immediately, without even moving the vehicle, let alone making an ABS stop, it came straight on.

What do you think it might be? Any experience of this? Thanks :salute:

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Code says bad front wheel sensor. Sensors are brand new. Any ideas?

There could be a bad connection in the sensor plug right beside the fog light plug-unplug it , look it over and try re seating it. One of these wires may be broken. Try a continuity test of the wiring.

The sensor tip may be dirty. You can remove it carefully and wipe it off.

The hub ( bearing) may be bad, causing the hub's internal tone ring to wobble out of the sensor's physical range.

ABS fuse?

Thanks. I'll try those things.

Regarding the hub. Both hubs are new. Is there anything in the installation that could cause the tone ring to be out of whack?

Then again, the light came on before the vehicle moved, so I am betting on an electronic problem.

Good call Turdle. It was a bad connection in the connector on the bumper the ABS sensor connects to.
