AC evap temp sensor help | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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AC evap temp sensor help


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May 10, 2022
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Newport nc
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2014 explorer xlt
Does anyone know a workaround/fix for replacement of a 2014 explorer evap temp sensor that doesn’t involve removing the entire dash?

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welxome to EF!!! hope you find your answer! (i own a 2nd gen so no advuce i have would be relavent to you)

Does anyone know a workaround/fix for replacement of a 2014 explorer evap temp sensor that doesn’t involve removing the entire dash?
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Does anyone know a workaround/fix for replacement of a 2014 explorer evap temp sensor that doesn’t involve removing the entire dash?
So after a lot of research I have found the workaround/fix for my problem of a faulty “evap temp sensor”. Ford used this sensor for a couple of years on the explorer. I found one that has many different names on other year explorers, flexes and Taurus’ that is very simple to replace and fits the same a/c and heat plunums in a different location “next to gas peddle” part #AG1Z-19C734-C instead under dash inside of a/c and heater plenum.I guess they figured it was only $12.00 part and 10 minutes to change so needed to make it into a major operation. I also learned that as the year of these vehicle have became newer the less individual parts they sell for replacement. They have combined parts to only sell assemblies. With all of that being said it’s worth the time and effort to try and see what other years and models have used the “same” parts.

So after a lot of research I have found the workaround/fix for my problem of a faulty “evap temp sensor”. Ford used this sensor for a couple of years on the explorer. I found one that has many different names on other year explorers, flexes and Taurus’ that is very simple to replace and fits the same a/c and heat plunums in a different location “next to gas peddle” part #AG1Z-19C734-C instead under dash inside of a/c and heater plenum.I guess they figured it was only $12.00 part and 10 minutes to change so needed to make it into a major operation. I also learned that as the year of these vehicle have became newer the less individual parts they sell for replacement. They have combined parts to only sell assemblies. With all of that being said it’s worth the time and effort to try and see what other years and models have used the “same” parts.
Can you please show a diagram or picture of where this part #AG1Z-19C734-C should be placed by the gas peddle? I have the same problem and hate the fact that I would have to pay out a lot of money to have the dash removed just to replace a Evap Temp Sensor. Thank you!

Can you please show a diagram or picture of where this part #AG1Z-19C734-C should be placed by the gas peddle? I have the same problem and hate the fact that I would have to pay out a lot of money to have the dash removed just to replace a Evap Temp Sensor. Thank you!
Welcome to the Forum. :wave:
FYI, the member you quoted was last seen here on March 25, 2022, so likely is no longer following.

