Adding instant fuel economy? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Adding instant fuel economy?


Well-Known Member
June 30, 2011
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duluth minnesnowta
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00 xlt 5. v8 awd
I have a 2000 ex v8 xlt and I know some of them come with trip and instant fuel economy gauges... So I was wondering if there is any way to add that to my truck or someway to better moniter fuel economy??

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Does that thing work for any vehicle? With obd2 port anyway? Or is it ford explorer 2nd gen specific?

I plan on getting a sc xcal 3 from james on here.. would both of these work together or would the xcal come with a thing to mount on the dash as well that i could watch and monitor fuel economy?

yes there is there are gauges that plug into the obdII port that have various gauges. There popular from post96 hotrodders to the fuel economy nuts
I own this model and its already been paid for from fuel savings

so what exactly does this do? just reads stuff from the port and puts it the display?

if i am running 33" tires will this recalibrate it to the real MPH and MPG?

Does that thing work for any vehicle? With obd2 port anyway? Or is it ford explorer 2nd gen specific?

It works with any vehicle with obdII

and following dersch6221992 quote that exactly what it does it read out information, it just doesnt work well with hybrids you would have to get this for hybrid use

you have to calibrate the mpg scale which is fairly easy, so if you figure up how many actual miles you traveled it could tell your mpg with tire size difference. But it wont change your mph from tire change

I plan on getting a sc xcal 3 from james on here.. would both of these work together or would the xcal come with a thing to mount on the dash as well that i could watch and monitor fuel economy?

as far as i see doesnt the xcal unplug when your done it just overwrites the ecu which then stores the tune it would work fine with it then. and if it doesnt unplug there are obdII splitters you can get for fairly cheap. Just dont expect to see much in mpg enhance from it the early gas obdII vehicles see more hp gains than mpg

Gealii do you have pics of your install of this? curious to where yours is mounted and how you routed your wires...

Gealii do you have pics of your install of this? curious to where yours is mounted and how you routed your wires...

this is where we run into problems i had to sell my ex a couple years ago and have been beating myself up over it since the sale. Im trying to get another by the end of this summer. but installed it in my current dd by sliding all the wires behind the dash down to the plug and i have the windshield mount for it.

Well I ordered it... Will have to see if this baby works!!

Please update this on how it works, it looks like a tempting purchase!

Will do... It should help me keep my foot off it! And mainly I want it so I can see how much my mpg will improve after tmh and a new tune..

Will do... It should help me keep my foot off it! And mainly I want it so I can see how much my mpg will improve after tmh and a new tune..

having instant feedback helps drastically once you know how to efficiently drive. on autos when speeding up you have to use the torque converter and about 90% engine load, engine load is different from throttle ( theres a gauge for this on the UG). Then the basic technique is driving with load which is holding a steady throttle on flat lands, coasting downhill, and lightening up on the throttle go uphill.

I personally use the technique called pulse&glide, or burn&coast to some. Its about 3 mpg gain for me from driving with load.

having instant feedback helps drastically once you know how to efficiently drive. on autos when speeding up you have to use the torque converter and about 90% engine load, engine load is different from throttle ( theres a gauge for this on the UG). Then the basic technique is driving with load which is holding a steady throttle on flat lands, coasting downhill, and lightening up on the throttle go uphill.

I personally use the technique called pulse&glide, or burn&coast to some. Its about 3 mpg gain for me from driving with load.

Whats your DD that you have this on now since you sold your ex?

Whats your DD that you have this on now since you sold your ex?

rite now im in a 2002 grand am with a 2.2l ecotec

since ive sold the ex ive been in the last 3 years since i sold the ex
1996 ford taurus
2000 olds intrigue
1999 ford zx2

I have the UltraGauge and love it. I just purchased a second one for my wifes Explorer. I am working with UltraGauge on a version that also incorporates a transmission temp gauge in to it. Once I have that all worked out I will be doing a product review on it. In the meantime all I can say that this is one hell of a value for what you get. At the cost of less than 2 normal gauges you get every gauge that your OBDII computer reads and some! You are just limited to only viewing up to 6 of them at one time. You can set up several pages of 6 gauges though.

I have the UltraGauge and love it. I just purchased a second one for my wifes Explorer. I am working with UltraGauge on a version that also incorporates a transmission temp gauge in to it. Once I have that all worked out I will be doing a product review on it. In the meantime all I can say that this is one hell of a value for what you get. At the cost of less than 2 normal gauges you get every gauge that your OBDII computer reads and some! You are just limited to only viewing up to 6 of them at one time. You can set up several pages of 6 gauges though.

you can view 8 gauges at once if you change the setup in the settings.

the vehicle would need a tranny temp sensor to use this function correct?

I forgot to add the ultragauge can read trouble codes aswell:)

Bronchioles do you have the same one linked above?

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Yes, that is the exact one that I have and the same one that I just ordered.

Gaelli, the transmission temp gauge is a manufacturer and sometimes vehicle specific. The UltraGauge does not normally come with the ability to read the transmission temp. I am working with them to beta test a version that they specifically programmed in to the unit I just bought today to see how it will work with my 97 Mountaineer, 96 Explorer, 98 Mustang and a couple friends other OBDII Ford products. If it works I will likely as part of my review of it call for a group of other beta testers.
