Adding white lettering to tires | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Adding white lettering to tires

I have Bridgestone Deuler AT tires and for some reason was convinced to put the white lettering towards the inside of the car. I am now dreading my decision and want the white lettering on the tire to be shown on the outside. I found out that to unmount all 4 tires and balance them again it would cost about $60. Has anyone used a white permanent marker to draw white lettering on the outside..or are there any other ways to achieve this. Thanks

Just flip them around if you want white side out, shop around you can probably find cheaper, like $8 a tire.

You can buy a white lettering paint pen at most auto stores if you want to put white no the raised letters on your black side, but I doubt that stuff holds up real well.

I've had friends who have used the white letter touch up pens on their tires. Under daily conditions it was ok but did not hold up in rain or muddy conditions. They usually had to retouch the lettering every couple weeks.

I would shop around. I can get Discount Tire here to mount and balance tires for $11 each. I have ran across $10 each. Maybe look for the "winter tire switch" deal where the place dismounts your snow tires, mounts the summer tires, and balances them, for a low price. I used to get that done for $6.50-8.00 each.

just flip 'em -- it'd be the best way.

