Advice on putting in a rebuilt tranny '94 XLT | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Advice on putting in a rebuilt tranny '94 XLT


New Member
June 1, 1999
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Hello everyone,

I've got a '94 XLT and just got my hands on a rebuilt tranny. My old has the classic second gear band problem.

I've worked on other transmissions on other vehicles before but never on this make. Is there ANYTHING I should be careful to look out for or do when removing the old and putting in the new. Also are there any mods I should do to help the performance and longevity of this new tranny?

BTW, I'm already putting a oil cooler to help it along.

Any advice will help,

Thank you,


Lifes to short not to drive the beaten path

1994 XLT 4.0 Loaded
and loving it

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Funny you should ask as I have spend this past weekend doing this very thing. I bought my rebuilt tranny from Advance Auto. It came with an external fluid filter. I would recommend getting one as well as a big cooler to REPLACE the ones that the explorer already has. I would also recommend removing the exhaust collector and converter as a first step. Having them out of the way is a big help. All of the bell housing bolts can be gotten to from below if you lower the tail end of the tranny after removing the tranny mount.

Let me know if you have any questions.

How many miles do you guys have on your explorers? I just rebuilt my trans at 124,000 miles.

I talked with my trans guy, very reliable, about installing a re-built and recommended not. I know you guys are saying he wanted the money, but he re-built it for cheaper than a re-built cost from the parts house. More than one place $ too. I have known the guy for 9 years and have friend sthat have known him all his life and his father a trans mechanic. They have found that the Ford re-built trans for the early explorers are not always 100%. Ford sub-contracts the trans re-building out to many shops every where including out of country. Thank NAFTA. They re-build/re-place only what parts they feel are 100% not exceptable. If some parts are say 40-50% worn, they may leave them in. Find a good trans mechanic near you and ask what they think.

94 XLT 4X4 4.0L SOHC
Stock, Stock, Stock

I agree with REDDOG - the Ford rebuilt transmissions can be bad news. I had a Ford rebuilt put in mine in January. Six weeks and two more rebuilts later the tranny guy finally rebuilt one himself and put it in. Works great now. Since he had warranteed the first one for one year he did all of the additional work at his own expense. Got to know the poor guy pretty well. Don't think he'll be using any more Ford rebuilts. He'll probably cry if he ever sees my truck again.

If someone says you need a new trans, call around. 2nd, 3rd, 4th opinions are free. I know we, exploder maniacs, are not all rocket scientists, but we have alot of experience to share. I would rather spend my cash on taking the kids 4x4 and fishing than broken down again and again. I hope this helps one of us. I just got lucky and had a good contact.

94 XLT 4X4 4.0L SOHC
Stock, Stock, Stock

What kind of $ did you guys end up spending on your rebuilds?

Cherylj, since you are from the area, where did you go to get yours done?

Thanks guys,


93 Sport 4X4, 150k Mi, Llumar Metallic Tinted Windows, GTS Taillight Covers, Sony CD and Boston Acoustics drivers
Bosch +4's. Modified Airbox, Allied 8.5mm wires (Splitfire wires on order)

Tommy2000 - I spent $1,300 on mine, total parts, labor, tax and everything. No idea if that was good for this area or not - I was desperate and he had come highly recommended. The place is Boeser Transmission in Savage. He definitely knows the A4LD now! He warrantees for 12 mos/12,000 miles "parts and labor complete". When the first Ford rebuilt failed and I had it towed in the tow truck guy said he'd been towing for Boeser for 10 years and had never had to tow one BACK to him. He definitely stands behind his work. If you want more info, send me an e-mail and I can get you the number. (Got your e-mail this morning - sounds like a great idea! Dead Link Removed)

Rick & Cheryl J.
'94 XLT 4x4
Custom 2" lift, Rancho 5000s
Borla exhaust, over-size sway bars
More to come!
