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Advice to College Students


Elite Explorer
April 23, 2002
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E. Stroudsburg PA
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97 Ford Explorer
Just another stupid thread....

Here is great advice, if you have the opportunity

Submit your first papers as you normally would. Prior to submitting your second paper, take your work to the English Department/center and ask them to critique your writing style and grammar usage. Follow their recommendations and then submit the new version. Then compare your grades.

Here's why.

I have been in the work place for 20 years; the last ten have involved quantitative analysis and problem solving. I have written public policy and research papers as well as taught Graduate Students for Rutgers University.
In my classes, I would send on average 40-50% of the class to the writing center.

1. Incorrect grammar usage or poor style impacts the ability of the writer to convey their message.

2. The greatest skill you may offer an employer is the ability to speak and write correctly. No one will care if you can add numbers or present theoretical arguments if the reader has to struggle through your writing.

3. Many companies look favorably upon individuals who emphasize strong written and verbal communication skills. - That's why many will immediately discard resumes with incorrect "," or ";" usage. You would not believe the number of people who think the follow sentence is correct.

John, Julie, Susan and Mike combined their talents to create a quartet.

or cannot tell me why the following sentence is correct.

It started to rain; we went to the theater.

It's ok to start party, but effective communicators are promote long before poor communicators.

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poconosms1 said:
You would not believe the number of people who think the follow sentence is correct.

John, Julie, Susan and Mike combined their talents to create a quartet.

Crap.. this Mechanical Engineering student is one of em...

poconosms1 said:
1. Incorrect grammar usage or poor style impacts the ability of the writer to convey their message.

Shouldn't this read: 1. Incorrect grammar usage or poor style impacts the ability of the writer to convey his or her message.

Feel free to provide corrections and references.

only if the author is singular. Old habit of mine to use "their" because I previously was part of a 5-10 person writing team.

It actually was correct till about 10 years ago. Now the comma usage is

John, Julie, Susan, and Mike combined their talents to create a quartet.

The lack of the comma after Susan establishes a direct relationship between Susan and Mike. Believe it or not, Academia didn't change this rule, the business and legal world did.

The other sentence is it is permissible to join two independent clauses with a semi colon.

Here are style suggestions that will immediately improve writing style

1. Always write in the active – never, never passive. Have the subject do the action.
2. Never use intransitives, such as is, are, being,
3. Never use the work “canâ€￾

Take it with a grain of salt. Just some advice from someone who learned the hard way and someone who “punishedâ€￾ people for poor communication skills.

Poconosms is right on the money... I edit and format doctoral dissertations for students at a major midwestern theological seminary and find that English skills are on the wane. I blame that on high schools that have failed to actually teach English grammar, and instead major on very "creative" use of the languge.

Language skills are required in today's world, and those that have them will outpace those that do not; even in a postmodern world where all the emphasis is placed on the reader instead of the writer.

Now, would any of you grammar experts like a job?

The funny part, is I have the capacity to correct others papers, but to proof read my own work, I have to wait a few days. Else I all I see are my thoughts, not my words.

BTW - I hate proof reading.

BTW - I hate proof reading.

So do I - but I have somewhere around 3000 pages right now to proof - and when I get done, I print and the copies go directly to binding... They have to be perfect in style, format, and all the other issues like grammar, content, etc.
