Aerostar LIMO? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Aerostar LIMO?


Active Member
March 30, 2009
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92,93,94 EB 4x4 & 96 4x4
:rolleyes: Is it possbile to stretch an aerostar to double length?

I've been wanting to do this for years but I'm having a hard time figuring out where would be the best place to cut.

I'm either going to fix my 93 EB AWD or I'm going to either use it to make double extend my 94 or make a nice travel trailer out of it.

Brooklyn any thoughts?

I'm sure I'm not the only one that has ever thought of doing this.

My wife hit the front of my 93 which isn't too bad but the insurance co. said it was a total loss so I replaced it with a 94 black EB AWD from Canada.

I've never seen a Black EB extended AWD before so I jumpped all over it.

I'm also looking for either a 93 or 94 EB AWD "Baby Blue" if anyone knows of anyone who has one. I know they're out there I've seen a couple on the road.

Also, heck why not I'm looking for the same with a red interior. Last EB I saw with a red interior was at the junk yard.

It had a beautiful red interior that was in perfect shape.

The next day it was gone, looks like someone bought it as a whole unit.

I've never seen another one like it since.

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The sliding door track would be a problem if you want to cut it, so the easiest way to do this would be to extend it behind the doors. Another option is to extend it behind the sliding door area in a similar way that the extended version is extended, but then you can't make it too big since this is behind the rear wheels.

Have you seen or heard of anyone else doing this?

No. I did a Google search after you posted this thread, and I didn't see anything come up. Are you planning on doing this yourself or would you give this out to a coach/limo builder? What about getting rid of the sliding door, and getting custom doors for the sides? You could have 6 doors (3 on each side) or have the doors on the rear with the sliding door permanently closed. Then you would have 4 doors (5 if you count the welded shut sliding door).

I have a friend in FL that's a master welder.

He said it'll probably cost me about 7 grand to do it.

I'm not sure if that's too much $ or not?

I guess if I want it bad enough 7 grand isn't much money, but in this economy 7 grand right now is a bit to drop on my aerostar when I have a over 100k into my 914-6 that needs about another 40 grand to complete.

That and my boat are priority one for the next two years.

Once I'm done restoring my boat and the 914 my next goal is to figure out how to make a stretch aero.

I still want the sliding door.

I could put a second sliding door but instead of sliding it could open up "gull wing style".

Brooklyn you seem to know how these are built better than anyone here or anywhere for that matter.

See what you can come up with.

I was thinking of buying a couple more cheap ones and practice on them before cutting up any of my EB's for the project.

And.... a coach builder right now is way too rich for my blood.

I'm not going to plunk 50 grand to build myself an aerostar limo when I also want my EB Excursion to be a dually 6 door.

I much rather spend that kind of $ into my EB EX than my aero at this point.

Brooklyn..... do you know how much $ it cost to make those monster Aeros?

I can picture it now..... A stretched Aero on an Excursion chassis.

If you want to see what I want to do with my Excursion go to...

That's crazy! hehe but I guess with enough $ anything is possible, once I went to Guadalajara, Mexico on work, right next to the hotel they had a white Lamborgini Limo, with a pink heart shapped pool all the way in the back, they had magazines where their car had appeared and a tv showing segments of shows the car was in

I think that the easiest way to do this on a budget is to cut off the rear area behind the rear wheels, get another one from a junk yard, cut it at the point where the sliding door starts behind the front doors, and combine them. You will have 2 sliding doors on the passenger's side, no sliding doors on the driver's side, and the differential could be at the very rear with a super long driveshaft. You could even get the rear of an extended version to get another 15.4" in length behind the rear wheels. This will give you an extra 2 rows of seats.

Saw the post and was a little bored here at work. :cool:


That's great Colin! Colin is this site's Photoshop expert. What I had in mind was to have a dual body where you have the sliding door with track behind it, then another sliding door with another track behind it with an extended body design behind the rear wheels.

I like that!

I'm wondering if the sliding door will still function?

What I had in mind was to have a dual body where you have the sliding door with track behind it, then another sliding door with another track behind it with an extended body design behind the rear wheels.

It seems it would be a lot more work to do it that way, but you would gain the use of the second door. It would also have to be longer this way. It also looks pretty funky. :)


I like that!

I'm wondering if the sliding door will still function?
I would think, Like Brooklyn said, you would only get the door to open the same amount as it does now as a standard size door. Unless of course you make the track longer...

You could also go complete redneck and just attach the back of another van to it. :D


I like the original one the most.

Let's see what it'll take to make it happen.

Hey Brooklyn, add a 91' EB to my stash.

I found one locally today, I'll be buying it tomorrow.

I need Colin to fix this for me since I made this with MS paint. I'm not a Photoshop expert, but you get the idea.


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Wouldnt the above delete the second air unit?

I like the original one.

I'm wondering if you could add a third AC unit for the extention?

The compressor doesn't have fittings for triple evaporators. It might work with parallel evaporators with T connections, but it wouldn't be too efficient. What about a roof mounted A/C like the motor homes?

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I ordered myself a dualsaw.

I'm going to try to start my project sometime this summer.

Sure wish someone could help me.
