Ahh! Wedding ring slid into dash! | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Ahh! Wedding ring slid into dash!


New Member
September 17, 2005
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City, State
Munster, IN
Year, Model & Trim Level
'01 AWD V8
Ahh! Wedding ring slid into dash!

I hope I'm not the only person that has this happened! How do I get it out? Do I need to remove the dash? Go to a mechanic? Go to a body shop?

It dropped into the dash right where the window meets the dashboard. I heard a clunk and a clink as it dropped down inside. I don't see any way to look into this abyss.

Since it's my wedding ring - quick help is appreciated!!!

Thank you,

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ok here you go..this is a write up on how to install some gauges, but it also has some good detail on how to take apart the dash...hope it helps

Dead Link Removed

Thanks - I'll take a look and hopefully get that ring out tonight! Wow - this forum has a quick response!

WOW you wife must be pissed. That is if you told her.

Don't bring it to a shop: it would be cheaper to get a divorce :p

DeRocha said:
Don't bring it to a shop: it would be cheaper to get a divorce :p

Or to just buy a new one. :D Maybe she wont notice. ;)

If it went in the very front its in the AC inlet system, might be a PITA.
As a side note, I rolled my dodge power wagon off altamont pass in 83 (3 times) the crap that came out of the vents was amazing, pens, pencils, keys,coins, mummified french frys, good luck

why was it off :)

ring in dash update...

I thought everyone might like an update....

First off, she already knows what happened - she was there when it dropped down.

Thanks for the instructions on taking the dash apart. I got it apart in pretty bad conditions. I live in Chicago and have a community garage that has no lights. My trusty flashlights did their job. My neighbor had a laugh, then helped me out too.

The ring however is still in there somewhere.

I'm guessing it is stuck up where I can't see or behind the dash under the center console. I determined that I cannot remove anything else without the air bag deploying or something terrible. BTW, I don't think the top of the dash could be removed - it looks glued in.

Here is the funny part... I had my car pulled out of the parking space in order to open my doors while I worked on it. When I went to pull it back in.... it wouldn't start!!! My first thought was... WHAT DID I DO!!! But I'm positive it wasn't the dash project directly.

One of my flashlights was powered by the battery, so it must have drained my battery enough so it can't turn the car over. It's just my lucky day, I guess.

The big question is do I buy a new ring or head to a body shop? I'm thinking new ring -- I'm guessing my wife says body shop! :confused:

Thanks for the help and the comments made me laugh.

Roll the truck over and shake it, or get a gold magnet

spindlecone said:
Roll the truck over and shake it, or get a gold magnet

he already has a wife, no need for another gold magnet :D :D

The question I have is did it slide down into the gap between the dash and the windshield, or did it slide down into the defrost vents of the HVAC system?

Also, left-to-right, about where did it slide down? That might give me an idea what it may have slipped in behind....


Wedding Ring Saga - End Story

After I got my truck jumped and rolling again AND had determined to buy a new ring - the craziest thing happened. A perfect ending to the weekend - on Sunday night when I made a right turn into a parking lot, yup, I felt the something about the right weight hit the top of my shoe. I jumped out of my truck and looked on the floor to see the ring! What a saga!

BTW, for those who asked. The ring didn't go into the AC vent - it was between the window and the dash - in that small opening. It fell between the driver side and center point. Apparently things can pass through that area, but sometimes get caught up. The advice to shake the truck could be the best in this situation!

Thanks for the help!

the dash IS removeable. According to my book it pays 7.0 hours, expect to pay at the least $315.00. With no guarntee they will find it.

MONMIX said:
the dash IS removeable. According to my book it pays 7.0 hours, expect to pay at the least $315.00. With no guarntee they will find it.
Has been found, thank god, 7 hrs :eek:

I really need to pay more attention :rolleyes:
