AHHHHH!!! damn Volvo | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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AHHHHH!!! damn Volvo


Elite Explorer
January 7, 2002
Reaction score
City, State
Boston, MA
Year, Model & Trim Level
98Sport, 94XLT, 96Sport
I was driving my g/fs car to the movies on sunday, when we hot hit from some old lady turning left in a volvo. I tried to exchange information, but she woulden't untill the police arrived. her car's bumber was moved 1/4 inch and she was the one who wanted the police! we had 2 busted fenders and the bumper fell off...

well anyway, cops are busy and she calls wrong department anyway. she lies to nbe about police coming. meanwhile my girlfriend told me she had a headache, so i called the police again (6th time) and a cruser was dispached.

the officer said the accident was minor (no report) but i had her call ems to make sure that my girlfriend was alright. she was transported to the hospital for cuts and bruises, but this also required the cop to write a report.

the lady gets in a fight with officer because she was convinvced i should have stopped for her (i was going strahght). I was grinning at this point because the lady made me get in teh back seat of her car to gather my information (i felt like i was going to get kidnapped when i got in... she locked the freakin doors!). she then berated me for 10 minutes as to how bad a driver i was and how fast i was going.

from the force of the damage, i was going less then 5 mph when we hit... she was going 10-15. i had the right of way because i was going straght after i turned onto the road in the last intersection. when making the left, she swong around a van stopped to make the same left.

although i was not labeled at fault, she is lied on her accident report, merging the two intersections. her insurer is out of state, as if my girlfriends and neither is willing to make a move.

worse of all, the transmition lines were cut during the accident, and the tie-rod dented the tranny box. while traveling to the local state farm, to file on behaf of my girlfriend's policy, the fluid spilled out and we died 2 buildings down from the insurance agency. (i coulden't beleive there wwas no check engine signal for a broken transmition!)

so this is why i haven't been online in a few days. wish us luck

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man that sucks.... volvo drivers in general suck (my old shop teacher sometimes drove a volvo though and he was a GREAT driver) but on a sidenote i got rearended 2 weeks ago by a guy in a volvo on the freeway... he was possed at me for stopping too fast...... i was stopped long enough that i was able to look back and see that he wasnt going to stop and cranked the wheel and stomped on the gas and almst got out of the way but he did manage to nail the corner of the bumper..... screwed up his volvo didnt do jack to my dads ranger.....

Nothing good comes from Volvo drivers. BTW, I don't think anybody wants to get me going on the "elderly driving" situation, so I'll summerize: Elderly people should be tested YEARLY to make sure that they have enough competence to be on the road. I don't give a crap about Civil Rights in this case, old grannys that came barely see something that is 10 ft in front of them SHOULD NOT be on the road, risking everybody else's lives. I see old people all the time that can barely park in a parking spot, it infuriates me.

Well, on the bright side, at least your Ex wasn't involved in the accident. Is that a selfish statement? :rolleyes:

i know i shouldnt comment on Volvos and how bad they drive (its always true) but my mom drives one. but the only thing she does is speed other than that shes a good driver. Hartman i totally agree with you, old people pull out in front of me all the time and 30 freikin MPH! i cant stand it at all, if its night time they see what Hellas look like in the mirror! its a proven fact that driving slower than the speed limit is worse than driving faster than the speed limit. ok im done:rolleyes:

i believe teenagers should also be tested yearly.... if everybody drove like me in my teen years we would all be dead by now (not that i ever killed or seriuosly injured anyone)

lol jim

Originally posted by jimabena74
i believe teenagers should also be tested yearly.... if everybody drove like me in my teen years we would all be dead by now (not that i ever killed or seriuosly injured anyone)
you should see the s**t i had to go through: drivers-ed class, 9hrs of driving instruction, 1yr of permit (1st six months 5am-9pm & 2nd six months any time of day) all supervised by parent, restricted liscense (1st six months 5am-9pm or anytime to and from work, 2nd six months anytime untill 18), THEN when your 18 you get a FULL liscense. if you get a ticket during the 1st year and a half your screwed! and if you drop out or fail more than one class your screwed. its VERY hard to get here or anywhere with graduated liscenses!

my license was a ***** too.... what i am saying you should be tested every year... i am losing my license on thursday due to some stupid crap i did.......being one of those sh**ty teen drivers, i can actually comment on it... i was horrible......... and i know other teens that say they are good drivers are crap too......

Believe it or not, out of my high school class of 50 kids, where about only 20 drive to school, there are 6 Volvos. It's rediculous.

And yes, I must agree, yearly testing should be required for the elderly. Maybe like every 2 years from 65-75, then yearly from 75 on.

And also, I don't know about where the rest of you live, but it's way to easy to get a license in Georgia. Atlanta has the worst traffic in the country now. But, I bet if you were to give every driver an actual driving test, more than half would be off the road, thus solving the traffic issue.

It's also quite a challenge to get a license here too. First, driving classes for two weeks 5-8PM after school (which SUCKS) and 10 hours of driving with an instructor, this is while you're 15. You get a permit before all that. If you pass all that, you can take your driving test at the BMV once you turn 16. You have to pass the written AND driving test at the BMV to get your license. Then, you have to wait 90 days after getting your license in order to have any passengers besides parents. Mind you, this license is probitionary until you're 18. It's not a cakewalk.

I wouldn't say that I'm an expert driver by any means, but I think I drive a little more resposibly than most teenagers. (I learned my lesson after my first run-in with the law, read my PSA thread)

my licence was a *****... in mass, if you can get a permit at 16, and licence at 16 1/2. however you need the folowing:
50 question automated test
30 hours instruction in drivers ed class
18 hours driving experence during drivers ed
100 hours experience driving with qualified gaurdian

this went into effect in 97... unfortunatly i decided i was too lazy to get mine till i was 17 (in 1997) so i had to do all this ****. its kinda funny but there was another bill that got passed that stated any 16-17 year old would loose his licence for 30 days (the first time) or till 18 for subsequent driving offenses. you'll be happy to know that i recived about 10 tickets for various infractions and have yet to loose my licence (oddly enough i'm only a step 15).

as for the volvo driver. she was a crocodile. wrinkled leather thin... i thought i was talking to a saddle. it was in the middle of a major thunderstorm with lightining crashing everywhere. so maybe that is why she woulden't get out. i don't know.

i got the impresion that she was an OK driver, she just felt that she was entitled to her right of way... reminds my of the granpa simpson quote "i'm old, so i'm always right... now give me my social security check"

as for the truck not being involved.... the lady better thank her lucky stars for that. my rig got rear ended last year pretty bad, but was fixed up and lookis like new thanks to the guys at framingham ford. aparently performance products no longer carried the valence (not on their website anymore) so that would have been a total loss. but if my truck got damaged on the front... i woulda taken a baseball bat to hers.

It sounds like your licenses are hard to get. Here I swear that a $50 bill will get you on the road and driving. I remember my tests to get my drivers license as being a joke. They have since changed to a graduated style but imforcement is still horrible. There have bein atleast 20 speed racing related death in this area in the last 6 month all from new underaged drivers with brand new BMW's, Acura's etc. Atleast one death or major accident a weekend. The drivers here of course suck the big one on the most part.

The breakdown of my class of 150 kids:

about 75 drive daily to school.

35 are various sorts of jeeps

10 are volvos

2 X's (including me)

Then there's the Benz, Acura and bimmer crew...

yeah, 35 Jeeps... my town sucks

Having just gotten my licence here in Massachusetts (a year ago yesterday), I can honestly say that the whole process is a joke. The worst part is the wait.

At 16, you have to take an automated test (multiple choice) to get your learners permit. Only 12 out of 20 are required to pass. They're not even difficult : ex. What do you do at a yellow light?

At 16 1/2 you can get your licence if you have taken a drivers ed. course with 6 hours behind the wheel and 6 hours watching another student. Basically, you have to do a 3-pt turn and back up 50 ft.

For 6 mths you can't drive anyone under 18 (cops don't enforce unless there's an accident or other more serious offenses). Can drive from 5 am-midnight (also a joke, as cops don't care).

At 18 you get a full licence. Big whoop... the parents in my town have no morals, so kids basically had their full licences as soon as they got their junior operators pass.

Wow, sorry for the long post. I'm in a bored (and bad) mood, as the local public off-roading spot was just closed due to complaints of loud dirtbikes.

Stupid dirtbikes :frustrate

thats terrible. i cant believe she thought it was your fault.

Hate to rain on all the young drivers parade, but 30 questions, drive around the block, $25 dollars. done. got your license. go wreak havoc on the unsepecting public. seriously its a good thing the states are changing how they do teen drivers now, we all say we were good drivers then, but think back to the stupid stuff we used to do (135 down a 45 two-lane comes to mind):D at that time you could do pretty much anything and not lose your license, and that was only 10 years ago( wow has it really been that long?):( so don't think of it as punishment on second thought maybe it is, they're just trying to keep you alive. but we never listened either so I'm sure this will fall on deaf ears. Keep it between the lines, with the shiny side up.:cool:

sorry to here about the volvo incident they're built like a tank, hence the 1/4" movement of the bumper, and total destruction of your g/f's car:mad: , hope you get all resolved.

Thats the test I took, but if you dropped a fifty then you passed with no questions asked. That was until they caught the scam and arrested a bunch of people. The funny thing is they never revoked one license that was payed for.
