airborne | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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September 27, 2005
Reaction score
City, State
sioux falls, south dakota
Year, Model & Trim Level
99 5.0
wow, i mean holy F%*KIN A, last night i was scared out of my mind, there i was just driving "uh" and hit a hill going way to fast and well, it happend airborne people, im talkin like 4 ft of air, in a 99 awd, wtf. video woll be posted shortly my buddy is emailing it to me. YEAH

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LOL! I remember the first time I went airborne! Scares the Sh@% out of you!
Anything happen to your EX?

well the check engine light came on but i dont know what for, and it needs to be alligned, but it need that any way since the torsion was raised, and the shackles i put on. but all in all it was worth it

I havent been that high before but i did get all fours off the ground going over railroad tracks. Its good you kept her going straight.

well where are the pics and or vidz :D

dude ur ####ing crazy. but that is AWSOME!!!!!!!!

i remember the first time i got air and damn did it scare me and i dont want to have all 4 in the air again....the front was maby 6 inches but the rear was like 2 feet.....i have a camera phone video of it...but its not that impresive.

yeah that sounds safe and responcible
