Alpine KTP-445U Install | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Alpine KTP-445U Install


Well-Known Member
March 2, 2014
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I´m trying to find a harness to install this power pack, I don´t want to cut the factory wiring. Anybody knows of a patch that will let me do this?

Thanks in advance

EDIT: this is to install the Alpine KTP-445U which is an amplifier, it takes the signal from the factory radio and boost power. I´m looking for a harness that will let me do the intercept and leave the original untouched.

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Yes, scope the Metra web sight. they have a module converts the can bus back to analog so you don't loose any signals. If you hack in you end up loosing speed sensing, parking brake, and the light sense. Just have a look at my older posts for a link.

Yes, scope the Metra web sight. they have a module converts the can bus back to analog so you don't loose any signals. If you hack in you end up loosing speed sensing, parking brake, and the light sense. Just have a look at my older posts for a link.

This is an installation for the audio system, I know Metra does half harnesses but I need a complete harness (male and female connector).

I see what you are doing now. Just boosting power to your factory speakers. I don't think I have ever seen anything like that, but it would be interesting. Good luck.

I´m also going to change speakers. I´m onto something, I probably found a way, post back when I confirm.
