Altezza's for 91-96 in production | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Altezza's for 91-96 in production

I know many people have been looking for altezza's for 91-94's and 95-96's. If you goto and follow the links at the top there are 2 buttons for the altezza's. They are in production right now and do not have a set price yet, but by clicking the "buy it now" button you reserve a set for when they are completed with out an obligation to buy do to the fact that there is not set price yet. Just thought I'd let yall know about it.


hey, they list 98-01 too. are these the same as those infamous pro-car-parts ones? they look very simaler.

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I am not really sure. A friend of mine has been looking for them for his 96 forever and he just told me about it yesterday so I thought I would post it just to let yall know.


We already know about this. You're about a month late :p

Oh well... i tried. I'll be the first one next time

