Am I really the only one who does this ? | Page 2 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Am I really the only one who does this ?

I, like many here am obsessed with keeping my Ex as clean as possible.
One little trick I have been doing long before I got the Explorer, and for some reason it seems no one else I have asked, or I have seen does this.

Keep a few packs of Handi-Wipes in your glove box so when you get back in your Ex after filling up with gas, your hands dont stink up the interrior.

I mean really. I know I am not the only one here who does this am I ?

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No, you are not the only one. I work on ship's electronics which might take me to the top of the mast working on a radar antenna with stack soot or gear box oil, or down in the engine room in the bottom working on depth sounder or speed log transducers or sensors. My hands get very dirty sometimes and I do to use these handy wipes to clean my hands before I drive my X. I have a leather wheel and want to keep it as nice as I can. Don't let it bother you, just keep doing what ever it is that makes you happy!

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That's great, the bird, ha!

Cleaning the road tar, use kerosene, followed by a normal cleaner. That applies to floor mats, outside, and under the hood. If normal heavy duty cleaners don't work on the basic carpet, you will need some way to better remove a cleaner, besides a vacuum cleaner. Then you are looking at Green stuff, etc. Good luck,

I have used kerosene on the outside before, but I never tried it on the mats. I assumed it would mess them up. I should probably try a small spot first to see. Thanks.

I still don't want a dead bird in my back seat. Oh well...hes not hurting the gas mileage I guess. :D

Okay, enough, I had my wife remove the friggin dead bird, I fed it to my dawg, was sorta like bird jerky, I think it was maybe a baby Condor, don't no **** about birds


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I dont go to that extreme but when I park it in the garage, my little quick vac is within arms reach. I also use clear plastic floor mats over the original ones. Hell sometimes I use a sheet as a car cover to keep the dust off (inside the garage).

spindlecone said:
This bird got in the trac a few mos back and died, just have no time to detail the inside anymore.

hahahahaha oh my god thats teh funniest **** I've ever seen! hahahaha

gas on your hands from filling up???..dont seem to have that problem here in NJ....LOL

Thats way too ****, keeping wipes in the truck is one thing but doing it so you dont smell the gas = you are loco :)

Hey you wanted our opinions, and I keep my truck CLEAN, but it still gets used :)
Its a truck!!

I should head over to Elite Auto body (Monmix's job) and throw some mud on Zorro. :D

throw it UNDER zorro....let the horror begin! When it gets on top of the spring perches and into the frame rails is when the &*%$^ will hit the fan.

Blee1099 said:
I should head over to Elite Auto body (Monmix's job) and throw some mud on Zorro. :D

I should go to Bens job ( do you have one right now ? ) and put racing stickers and Type R on it.

Its ok Kevin ..we all have our things..

nah i dont do that ....but my hands never smell like gas after i'm done pumping..but i do have solid colored sheets on my seats and plastic mats on the floor and a towel on the arm rest in the middle to keep my interier i'd say i'm jus as **** about it as u are...


'nuff said.

Handi Wipes


I too carry handy wipes in my X. My X is used for outback exploring and camping and not so much used my DD. When we go to places like:

Kosciuszko National Park ::
"This is one of the world's great national parks, and the largest in New South Wales. Covering almost 675,000 hectares, the park contains the highest mountains in Australia, the famous Snowy River and all NSW ski fields. Its many and varied attractions include walks through alpine herbfields; spectacular caves and limestone gorges; scenic drives; and historic huts and homesteads."

Kosciusko Camp Site along main roadway.

Basic Facilities are well kept

And Well Supplied considering they are in the middle of now where.

But when you make camp way out of the way

You would find handi wipes MUCH MORE usefull as sometimes when out and about in the bush you dont have the advantages of things like shown above.. SO you find the handi wipes come in really HANDI!!!!! :)

Brian_B said:
On a side note: Does anyone know how to remove tar from our carpeted floor mats? They recoated the parking lot at school. :mad:

Go to your local favorite detail shop, and ask for some Qwik Solv. It is a Mark V product, and works like a charm.

Other than that, any solvent, diesel, etc will work.

My opinion may not count for much, but I do own a detail shop.



I edited the post above to hopefully clear up what I was trying to point out, and that is that Handi Wipes have plenty of uses and are valuable item to be found in ANY X. ,,,,,,,, :)

xxScapegoat said:

'nuff said.
Get off my butt, the bird is gone, see pic :eek: jeez you clean freaks amaze me.


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MONMIX said:
I, like many here am obsessed with keeping my Ex as clean as possible.
One little trick I have been doing long before I got the Explorer, and for some reason it seems no one else I have asked, or I have seen does this.

Keep a few packs of Handi-Wipes in your glove box so when you get back in your Ex after filling up with gas, your hands dont stink up the interrior.

I mean really. I know I am not the only one here who does this am I ?

don;'t you love that smell...
it is awesome smell of GAS...

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MONMIX said:
I should go to Bens job ( do you have one right now ? ) and put racing stickers and Type R on it.

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