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Angle Eyes on an 02 4-door?

I was thinking about tring to convert to the headlights from an 02 4door on my 01 sport. I picked up a set of the housings and found that there was no way I could get them to work with out an entire new hood and grill. Too much for me so I am deciding to sell them. However, I am going to sell them customized the way I was going to use them. Has everyone seen BMW's Angel eyes?

I am going to do that to my headlights and to these ones for an 02+ 4 door.

This is what I am thinking:

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Or blue:

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So, what color would you want. White or Blue, or another color?

If you are interisted in buying a set of these let me know I only have one set to work with so I will only be able to sell one set to someone. Shot me an email if you are interisted.

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Thanks, I am going to bed now, 2:45 CST and I have to get up early to get my Ehxaust done and change my oil. Then on to work at 12:00.

If anyone wants to make an offer for the one and only set that will every be made let me know.

404 est.. dang.. i should get some rest.. cant wait to see results of ur exhaust.. most people on this forum including me are jealous of what u do to ur car.. :p

Well, no one here is intristed in them? I am going to post them on if not. I just wanted to see if anyone here wanted a one of a kind set of headlights.

Last chance... Just let me know, ASAP!

Thanks, Matt

I was away for the weekend, but I am interested. I will watch and see what they do on eBay!


They look very excellent, I wish I could find clear corners for the 2002s, they would look even better with these Angles. :D

I saw a BMW today with the angel eyes and I was wondering what ever happened to your project BlackMagic, all your pics are gone, do you have any left of how they turned out?

i think this is actually called a "Halo"
it sounds like a cool idea, none of the pics are working on my end.

Can anyone post pictures of this??? i know they sell replacement housings that have the angel eyes but it is only for square headlights like the 1st gens but im not sure if they are the same size that wud just go in there. autozone sells them


Oh i know what they are and what like the actuall angel eye concept is i wanted to see how it came out on a X:D

Great Job! looks almost liek it was suposed 2 be there. Now do you think it would be easier for us 1st gens to do it?? how did u get behind the plasic housing to put the neon in there? is that why you could do it for the 02 because it was easy to take off that plastic front peice? Has any one seen the housings i was talking about at autozone? it makes your bulb size a H4 though i belive......
