Another Inverter Question... | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Another Inverter Question...

Danny Leblanc

Active Member
April 26, 2006
Reaction score
City, State
Moncton, New Brunswick Canada
Year, Model & Trim Level
91' XLT
Since I live in apartment and don't have any buddies with a garage I was thinking about installing an inverter to do work on my X. I need to replace my rear floor so I need something to power a 120V welder and a grinder.

How many watts do you guys think I would need? I would only have one tool going at anytime.


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a) Amps times Volts = Watts
b) The surge current will raise havoc on your inverter.
c) Power (watts) Divided by Voltage = Amps. Thus, 1200 W Divided by 12 volts = 100 Amps or so to be provided by the battery and alternator and the surge current will be several times that 100 amp value just to start the grinder.
d) We are not talking #10 wire rated at 30A max here any more either.
e) I watched a subcontractor try to run a 120 V compressor off a 3500 W 12V inverter with the engine revving, no go. I think the surge current was over 500 amps.
f) Try and find a plan B even if it is an extension cord out of a window.

It could be done if you're not a big fan of your battery. Grinders draw a lot of current, and anything with a motor will generally require 2.5-3 times that draw for startup.

alexefron said:
It could be done if you're not a big fan of your battery. Grinders draw a lot of current, and anything with a motor will generally require 2.5-3 times that draw for startup.

I got a red top with the extended warranty... If I can get a new battery without messing up anything else in the truck I'm all for it.

my grinder runs at 5.5 amps and 110 volts, soooo

acording to papa that would be 605 watts. Now you would need to figure out what it takes to start the grinder, say around 2500 watts?

i would get something along those lines to be safe, just remember to keep the engine running while you are going this. But if you are replacing the rear floor I would get a sawzall as well, it would make youe life much easier.

A welder pulls a hell of alot of amps. A power invertor will not handle that load suf###iently. I'd suggest looking into a ready arc welder or similar 12 volt type welders and a battery operated grinder or think extension cords.

For example.. Your basic 85 amp welder requires 9350 amps to run correctly. (85 amps * 110 volts=9350 watts)

Extension cord would be the best idea. Or just send it to the shop.
