Any Catalytic Converter recommendations? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Any Catalytic Converter recommendations?


Well-Known Member
July 18, 2013
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City, State
Los Angeles, Ca
Year, Model & Trim Level
1991 Ford Explorer EB
I'm in California and need to replace my cats due to failed smog. I'm currently running stock cats with a Coffin muffler. Debating on buying from autozone or muffler shop? Autozone sells a Walker brand and Magnaflow cats. Magnaflow cats are 50 bucks more I believe. Are they worth the price over the Walker brand? Any other cats or locations that I should be looking at?

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a Coffin muffler.

Walker and Dynomax parts are often interchangeable; I would expect a bit better corrosion resistance with a Magnaflow cat but otherwise doubt you'll see too much difference.

Arco, can any universal California approved cat be used or does it have to be specific to my truck year and model?

I am unsure on Cali emissions laws. If you call up a muffler shop they may be able to help you out on that question.

Personally I have found direct-fit converters to be a lot more expensive than just putting a universal Magnaflow high-flow cat on instead. In some applications, cutting out the stock cat and installing a universal one is much easier than trying to deal with old exhaust bolts. This flies in my state but I am not sure about Cali.

I'm going with the Magnaflow cats. Thanks for your input

I have used the direct replacement Magnaflow's before with great success. However may want to check on their emissions spec. They are a little freer flowing then your old stock cats..may increase emissions a little & you may still fail given the laws there.

Walker, Magnaflow, and others make both Federal (49 state) and California converter assemblies, so if you're replacing it with a new one, you will want to be sure and get the California one, though I doubt you'd be able to buy a non-California one except online.

They are all very similar, and may even really all be the same thing, at least from one brand to another.

If you want to save some money, Advance Auto sells both the Walker and the Magnaflow converters on their website, and you can use some of their online coupons for $40, or 15-20% off, plus free shipping.

You should probably shop around at exhaust shops too, sometimes they get much better dealer pricing and can sell it to you installed for less than you can buy just the converter itself.

The Magnaflow direct fit cats I bought here in AZ were CA compliant and it passed like a new engine. Got 'em from Oreilly's for $230.
