Any ideas for front tow hooks. | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Any ideas for front tow hooks.


Well-Known Member
February 28, 2008
Reaction score
City, State
Shawano WI
Year, Model & Trim Level
99 XLT
I just got a 99 xlt 4 door and was wondering if there was a was a way to put some tow hooks on the front of this beast without cutting up the front bumper too much. Want to keep it looking as stock as possible. So if anyone has any pics of their own vehicles I would be greatfull. Thanks guys

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i just bolted a 10,000 lb tow hook to the bottom of my front axle.... it works great and has gotten me outa the mud a couple times

I just bolted them to the bottom of the frame rails. They can be accessed through the space between the bumper and the lower valence.

I just bolted them to the bottom of the frame rails. They can be accessed through the space between the bumper and the lower valence.

Did the same, but I had my lower valance removed. I also used some steel plate to sandwich the frame and to spread the load of the bolts over more area of the frame to prevent damage.

i did what paraphone did....i should probably use hunterdans idea with the steel plate though. Also a tip when fishing the nuts through the frame use some tape on the end of a box wrench to hold the nut in place.

i just bolted a 10,000 lb tow hook to the bottom of my front axle.... it works great and has gotten me outa the mud a couple times

Do you have a picture of that?

cant bolt to rails without cutting holes in bumper for the hooks, i have the bumper with the round fog lights and chrome trim around.

I made this back before I got my push bumper. Sometime I'll get it modified so I can use it again...




You could also get a front mounted receiver hitch and use one of those 2" d-ring attachments like mountaineergreen has.

u will have a lotta buyers if you sell these'd be rich in approximately a year

Well, In two months I'll have time to make more if you're really that interested in it. I'm probably going to add a 2" receiver hitch to the center of it as well.


if you look closely under the bumper you can see my hooks.

Once again i have the plastic bumper with the crome trim around the fog lights. btw i like that setup with the 2" reciever in it. can you post some more picks of that i just might have to make my own some day/. Getting maried in 5 months. money is tight

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I have the big gray plastic bumper, and welded a square steel tube right behind it, from frame rail to frame rail. I welded 2 hooks from a chevy blazer to the bottom of the steel tube and they come through the opening in the bumper. I haven't gotten to try them yet but they are arc-welded so they should be strong.

I thought that would be a good idea but I got to think about it a little and wouldn't that crack with the twisting of the frame? maybe a bolt on version would be a good idea

The welds are crazy strong but for long term use i have no idea.

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Kert's was the inspiration for mine, but I wanted something simpler, so I just went with a bar across and 2 hooks welded to it. And about the frame flexing, I don't think it is an issue because it doesn't flex much, being IFS. (Right??...)
