any runs in july august?? | Page 2 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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any runs in july august??

I dunno the exact deatails but I'm sure the other locals do (Blee, Spas, 95exploderboy, sn0wboard88, etc..).

RC RC RC!!! I just remembered that there was that one somewhat vertical rock face that sn0wboarder88 pointed to in our last RC run on our way out (near the exit) .. it was a nice rock face with a few giant slabs just chilling .. delicious.

Says the guy with the SAS and 10 feet of flex. You tryna get me killed? ;)

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wow... this run stuff got weak.... what happened to havin a run every damn month?

Says the guy with the SAS and 10 feet of flex. You tryna get me killed? ;)
No cauz I was hoping you'd go first :)

wow... this run stuff got weak.... what happened to havin a run every damn month?
Yeah it did, no one ever wants to go anymore.

im out jus about every damn day wheelin.... quads, trucks, buggy.... whatever it takes to get in woods

Should I post up an official Rausch run thread in offroad planning?
Sure! Make sure you post a link to the new thread on here so people will know.

RC RC RC!!! I just remembered that there was that one somewhat vertical rock face that sn0wboarder88 pointed to in our last RC run on our way out (near the exit) .. it was a nice rock face with a few giant slabs just chilling .. delicious.

Looked kinda like this?

Trail is called Jotters Way, it was a red, and really fun. :D I was on the easy line of the easy line.


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Wowzers -- looks awesome :D I'm grining from ear to ear!
