Any suggestions on how to make my 2000 Ford Explorer XLS beefier? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Any suggestions on how to make my 2000 Ford Explorer XLS beefier?


March 6, 2010
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2000 Ford Explorer XLS
I'm looking to make my 2000 Ford Explorer XLS, V6, sound beefier. Since i'm not loaded, i was thinking about a muffler tip. any suggestions?:exp:

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intake and flowmaster series 40 muffler. thatll help some but probably not what you're looking for without spending some cash.

What he said^

Muffler tips wont change the sound of your exhaust.

Personally I dont like the sound of V6's. At low RPM's they sound really good and have a nice rumble, though when you actually take off or rev sounds kind of ricey. Search youtube to hear what they sound like with different setups.

thanks guys. how much does that flowmaster cost? i got a friend whos dad works at like an Auto Advantage or something, so i think he could give me the hookup. I'm just 16, so i'm trying to do what i can to get a sweet ride. ya know?

I cant say. Check out the vids on youtube and see if you like the sound.

Don't waste your money on a muffler. Put some shackles on it and do the torsion twist to make room for some 32x11.5 tires. Add some 15" black steel wheels.

Don't waste your money on a muffler. Put some shackles on it and do the torsion twist to make room for some 32x11.5 tires. Add some 15" black steel wheels.

That'll make it LOOK beefier but he's looking to make it SOUND beefier

That'll make it LOOK beefier but he's looking to make it SOUND beefier

I don't understand people using the word "beefy." Just stick a hamburger in your exhaust if you want "beefy." If by "beefy" you mean sound good, get a V8.

What I'm saying is that a little bit of lift and some larger tires would be a better investment than a coffee can bolted to a 6cyl engine.

instant beef,


  • beefy, ,.jpg
    beefy, ,.jpg
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But you have to admit that the 4.0 SOHC that comes in our X's are pretty awesome motors...given the owner know how to take car of it.

it looks like beef, , 400 hp of it,

i'm sure it is, just goofy looking

But you have to admit that the 4.0 SOHC that comes in our X's are pretty awesome motors...given the owner know how to take car of it.

yeah it's a good motor, but a lot of aftermarket exhaust setups sounds like crap. I've heard the SOHC with loud exhaust in person and it just doesn't sound good, period. I think it's a waste of money. If the OP is dead set on exhaust, fine.

there are alot of Catback systems that will fit and sound good, or in this case more beefy,

there are alot of Catback systems that will fit and sound good, or in this case more beefy,

I got the impression from the OP that he wants loud coffee can ricer sound, because he mentioned an exhaust tip. OP feel free to clarify.

Well to get the authentic wild rice sound it requires a bit more than just a coffee can tip, and anybody that did the research will know,
A Honda that makes that rattly rasping sound needs to have a bit more done to it than just a tip, it needs a header, and enlarged cat converter , than upsized exhaust tubing back to the muffler, and than the Coffee Can,,

so it is not always as easy as just putting a tip on, as all that will do is just open up a dying gasp for making any kind of real horsepower noise,,

My advise, look at a cat back system to add a better sound, Dynomax makes some, that sound good,
here's one here,

But you have to admit that the 4.0 SOHC that comes in our X's are pretty awesome motors...given the owner know how to take car of it.

They're great if the timing chain fiasco doesn't strike. I was fortunate in that I got all the work done under warranty and never had a problem again. I traded the truck in on a 5.0 equipped Eddie Bauer. I sleep better at night with that setup. :D

OP has an XLS from 2000. Good chance he's dealing with an OHV V6. in 2001 the SOHC was the only power plant available for the XLS, but before '01, OHV was more common.

Pete (corkey) recommended Dynomax. Seems to be a good option for the OHV. I used a Flowmaster SUV 50 series exhaust on my old SOHC and it didn't sound 1/2 bad. Don't get me started on Magnaflow. It was ricey. I didn't do it for the sound (I actually installed an aftermarket resonator on it to tone it down). Did it for performance gains. A new catback, air intake and SCT tuning does make a lot of difference on the SOHC (as it did with my 5.0).

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ok.. now the OHV does not sound like a ricer, its one of the best sounding V6's that you'll find. I personally haven't heard a lot of SOHC but I don't see why they would be too much different.

Anyhow, I'm a fan of Gibson cat back exhaust systems. They definately improve performance and you get a real nice sound that isn't too loud.. why you stand on the gas it sounds "beefy"..
Another option, which is also the cheapest would be to get a 2" or 2.5" internals long cherry bomb glass pack.. It will definately be louder than any muffler but these engines aren't that loud with no muffler as long as you leave the cats on it.
