Anyone able to find an A/C Compressor Clutch? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Anyone able to find an A/C Compressor Clutch?


Explorer Addict
April 24, 2003
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20 XLT
I have a clicking noise that just started a couple weeks ago from the engine that goes away when the A/C is turned off. I was hoping it was just the clutch and I could replace it separately. I'll crawl under there later today to see what's up.

I've seen the other threads asking about replacing an A/C clutch, but haven't seen anyone say they were able to buy just the clutch.

On the Ford Parts site, it lists the clutch and compressor as a single item - no separate listing for just the clutch. NAPA lists it the same way.

I'm not sure it's the clutch, but if I were to take it apart and find that the issue, I'd rather just replace the clutch than whole compressor.

Anyone find one separately?

The big PITA of course is with the compressor removed, the vehicle is not drivable since the serpentine belt wraps around the A/C pulley. I'd like this to be a simple issue, and not require replacing the A/C compressor, but not too hopeful at this point.

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Someone else replied in another thread there was just a clutch available from Ford. The part number seemed OK, but as I replaced the 2011, I no longer need it.

You would have thrown good money after bad trying to just replace the clutch. You need special tools and a lot of time, then you still have to flush the system replace the dryer/receiver. PAG oil absorbs moisture quickly. Your system would not have lasted long with a quick repair.
Sitting in heavy traffic on your way to work sweating up the joint wont make your co workers any more friendly.

Back in the "old days", it was relatively easy and inexpensive to replace an AC clutch when you could get at it from the front of the car. Obviously, not the case in new vehicles with everything crammed into the engine compartment.

I did see a how to video on how to remove/replace a similar clutch. To do so, the compressor was removed and coolant had to be reclaimed, system pumped down, etc.

I've been searching the forum for the exact same thing. I'm looking for a replacement AC compressor clutch and so far haven't found any helpful posts here. I also haven't been able to locate just the clutch or a clutch replacement kit on Amazon or the big auto parts stores. I did find this and a others on eBay, however. Curious that it's not available anywhere else. Makes me think that it's a more difficult clutch to replace maybe.

If you or anyone else managed to find a reputable AC clutch kit or anymore info on this please let me know. Thanks.

I've been searching the forum for the exact same thing. I'm looking for a replacement AC compressor clutch and so far haven't found any helpful posts here. I also haven't been able to locate just the clutch or a clutch replacement kit on Amazon or the big auto parts stores. I did find this and a others on eBay, however. Curious that it's not available anywhere else. Makes me think that it's a more difficult clutch to replace maybe.

If you or anyone else managed to find a reputable AC clutch kit or anymore info on this please let me know. Thanks.
Motorcraft sells a replacement A/C clutch kit that includes the coil, bearings and snap rings. Not sure what model year and engine you have but I replaced it on my ‘14 Limited w/ the naturally aspirated 3.5L last summer after the clutch started to slip.

You will need to remove the RH wheel and inner fender panel to gain additional access. Wasn’t too bad of a job and you don’t need to open up the refrigerant system.

I bought my clutch from Rockauto.

I recommend replacing your belt and tensioner while you are in there.

Oh man, are you talking about this? $238 will buy me a whole new compressor on my 2011! Unfortunately they don't sell a kit for mine on Rockauto. Did you do the job without removing the compressor? Seems like that would be tough on my 2011.

Oh man, are you talking about this? $238 will buy me a whole new compressor on my 2011! Unfortunately they don't sell a kit for mine on Rockauto. Did you do the job without removing the compressor? Seems like that would be tough on my 2011.
Yes that’s what I ordered. I don’t recall having to remove the compressor, just remove 1 bolt from the front and the clutch and pulley come off then remove a snap ring. There was some corrosion on the front of my compressor so the new bracket wouldn’t sit on it far enough to allow the snap ring to go back into its groove. I had to clean it really well. Other than that I don’t recall it being really difficult. I think there was a special tool to hold that triangular shaped piece in the front which allows you to remove and reinstall the bolt. My memory isn’t as good as it used to be maybe someone else will chime in, or check YouTube.

................................... Not sure what model year and engine you have..................................................
That info is in the margin profile. ;) All 2011 Explorers have the V6 NA engine.


That info is in the margin profile. ;) All 2011 Explorers have the V6 NA engine.

I purchased a rebuilt AC clutch replacement on Amazon. Do you have any experience working on AC compressors on my model?

I purchased a rebuilt AC clutch replacement on Amazon. Do you have any experience working on AC compressors on my model?
Sorry, no I don't. I lease my vehicles and don't do any work on them.

