Anyone brought a rebuilt tranny online? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Anyone brought a rebuilt tranny online?


Well-Known Member
December 31, 2007
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Year, Model & Trim Level
1995 Ford Explorer
Well, looks like I'll be taking the tranny off for the third time and getting my money back from this place. I see at E*ay most of these tranny places ship from Arizona at 650 plus 150 shipping. Anyone brought from these places before?

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When I had a 95, I bought from "Phoenix" transmission place in Arizona, they also sell through ebay. It had a 6 month warranty. Found a local shop to install it. Soon after, the local shop signed up with Phoenix to install for them.

At 11 months it died. Phoenix had since extended its warranty to 12 months but Phoenix would do nothing for me. All money down the drain. The local shop had canceled its installer agreement with Phoenix because so many of their trannys died under warranty, and the shop had to spend too much labor to take them out, return to Phoenix , wait for replacement, and install again.

The local shop rebuilt it. Had about 70k on their rebuild when I sold it, no problems at all.

Moral: Find a good local shop to rebuild it, get references, make sure they offer a written warranty, make sure it's a warranty through a national organization (ATRA or the other one, I forget the name). Local shops sign up with the organization to guarantee the warranty.

A warranty just from the shop alone is worthless, I learned that the hard way with a Contour I once had. Well I got my money and then some, but it took 4 years of litigation, in both state court and federal court.

the trans in my '93 died at 215k miles. i ordered a rebuilt trans from "americarz" (they sell on ebay, as well as their own website, etc) i got a couple upgrades, such as a shift kit, and high energy clutches/bands. i've put about 10,000 miles on that trans so far and it's doing fine. i drive pretty hard too (full throttle, shifting at red line from most stops and up freeway on ramps etc)

my only complaint is that the torque converter stalls a little higher than the stock one did, although when i complained to them about it they did offer to replace it for free.. but i didn't want to drop the trans again so i said i didn't care.

total cost to my door was about $1200 after the upgrades, shipping, etc.

Thanks guys. I did see those two on Ebay and they sell them now for 650.00 and this really made up my mind, I'm throwing in the towel and just look for a local shop to do it. The big names wanted 3 grand and up. Thanks again.

FWIW i'd buy from americarz again. the trans seems to be fine, and they were helpful on the phone.
