Anyone else install an hourmeter? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Anyone else install an hourmeter?


Well-Known Member
July 23, 2012
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City, State
Chicago SW suburbs
Year, Model & Trim Level
2000 XLT 4WD, 4.0L OHV V6
What's a good +12V supply to tap into for an hourmeter? One that would be operative only when the engine is actually running. The only thing I can think of that would be simple would be oil pressure switch.

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Oil pressure would work. But I'm curious.. Why would you want to put a Hobbs Meter in an Explorer? Is this a fleet vehicle and you want to track run time?

Not a fleet vehicle, I'd just be interested in knowing the actual exact run time on the engine, at least from this point forward. Starting to have second thoughts now as to whether it would be worth the trouble.

It should be pretty straightforward. Just tap into a switched +12v that energizes with engine start. Typically a Hobbs is used in aircraft to log hours for maintenance intervals. Some auto fleet operators use them also for the same purpose.

It should be pretty straightforward. Just tap into a switched +12v that energizes with engine start. Typically a Hobbs is used in aircraft to log hours for maintenance intervals. Some auto fleet operators use them also for the same purpose.

Also, at least Chevy uses them to keep track of when to change the oil and Fuel filters on diesels. Its pretty important to change the FF out when it says to, it also takes into consideration the engine run time for oil changes, for the oil life monitor on all the cars, although it doesn't really play a huge roll on determining how often or not you change your oil.

Yes, the odometer doesn't tell the whole story. Almost all heavy equipment and class 4-8 trucks keep track of hours; even P71-equipped Crown Vics do.
