Anyone have SafeLite replace a lift gate glass? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Anyone have SafeLite replace a lift gate glass?


Active Member
October 22, 2016
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2000 explorer Sport
I opened the rear lift gate glass on my explorer, when I did one of the screws/bolts that on the top hinge came out and the shock pushed it up on that side. Needless to say it shattered into 10,000 pieces.

I've had trouble with the screws loosening up before, this is the first time one popped out. Seems the part with the threads gets stripped out and they just don't hold well.

I'm thinking about drilling out the hinges and putting stainless bolts through when I replace the glass. Either that or let SafeLite do it.

Anyone had one replaced by SafeLite; did it come with hinges on it or do they use the existing hinges. If they don't come with hinges then I'll go with the stainless bolts, but if they do I'll just go with the new hinges/screws, they should last as long as I keep the vehicle.

I tried calling the local SafeLite shop, but kept getting their corporate answering service and sales reps that gave me a number that's no longer in service(why don't they list their local numbers?).

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(A local SafeLite Shop Manager once told me that the central Corporate phone register and listing is an advantage to the local SafeLite Shops, because it saves local shops so much time on the phone.)

For what it's worth: when mine shattered about a year ago (probably by road debris thrown at it by a passing vehicle) I just called a couple junk yards. It took some walking around to find the donor vehicle, but $60 got me a rear glass in almost perfect shape, hinges included.

You'll be money better served to find someone who has the tools and time to go get one out a junkyard. They go for $35 here, shocks hinges and all.

Good idea fellas, mines somehow scratched to **** and hard to see out at night.

OP - You can find new and used hinges on eBay and probably Amazon. New glass will not come with the hinges. The alum/pot metal hinges are know to strip out because the threaded holes are pretty shallow and over tightening them can strip them fairly easily. If your not concerned about the appearance you can drill the holes through and use a bolt and nut (a 1/4"x 20 bolt with a nylock nut would work).

Too bad you live so far away. I have a perfect Gen II rear glass (dark tint w/defroster) that's just in my way.

Thanks for all the replies,

I was going to go the junk yard route, even drilled out the hinges, but all had been broken at the junk yard.

OP - You can find new and used hinges on eBay and probably Amazon. New glass will not come with the hinges. The alum/pot metal hinges are know to strip out because the threaded holes are pretty shallow and over tightening them can strip them fairly easily. If your not concerned about the appearance you can drill the holes through and use a bolt and nut (a 1/4"x 20 bolt with a nylock nut would work).

Too bad you live so far away. I have a perfect Gen II rear glass (dark tint w/defroster) that's just in my way.

That's what I was thinking about doing; what type of washers would you put on each side of the glass?

I have some used hinges available. PM me if interested...
