Anyone know where you can get some sporty looking 18s? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Anyone know where you can get some sporty looking 18s?

I wanna get some 18s, cause I can find tires for the same price as the 17s, so theres no point in getting 17s when I can get 18s for like $100.00 more for the wheels, but I was wondering if anyone knows where you can get some sporty looking 18s, I dont want the luxury looking rims, I want some 5 stars, or something around that. I like the cobra r's, but not really wanting them.

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help me out guys..come on..

You can also try Just remember that you will probably have to call them to see if the rims fit. Many mustang rims will fit, you just have to call up and check to make sure.

click the link in my sig and look at my rims. im like 99.9% sure that you can get them in 18". i paid $200/wheel for them in 17" size.

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hurry, good rims, pretty inexpensive, but tires need to be replaced

I had those exact wheels on my 98 Sport in chrome. The 18s really look nice and I love that style, even though they are a ***** to clean in 18" chrome with the five double spokes. Tire Rack no longer sells them though. Wish I knew where to still get them for my '02X in chrome.

Those wheels are nice and all, but Im looking for wheels in chrome, and Im sorry, but that explorer looks like crap with 40 series tires on there..with about 14 inches of wheel gap...:D

I know they do, I just bought them off a friend, whose car they didn't fit, because I wrecked my stock rims. They came off a tiny mazda car, and they were only a temporary fix, that's why I'm selling them now

hey man, Im sorry I didnt mean to rip on your wheels..but you put some like 275-50s on there they would look good..

im selling my 18"x8.5" KMC Stealths w/ new michelin tires for $1700 if anyone is interested
