asking for tranny trouble??? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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asking for tranny trouble???


Well-Known Member
January 2, 2005
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'94 eddie ..'02 limited
I want to put some Lucas fluid conditioner in my tranny but the level is just right on the stick. If I put the bottle in (which is just under a litre/quart) what will happen??

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A slight overfill is not the big bugaboo people make it out to be. However overfilling a full quart I would not recommend. Loosen some pan bolts until you get a leak started and let it leak into some catch basic until you think you have lost a quart, tighten the pan and add your Lucas.... recheck level and you should be good to go.

On the subject of overfilling, my 92 Ex tranny leaks and I routinely overfill it about 16 oz with no troubles. OVERFILLING does NOT blow seals - OLD DISPROVED MYTH! It may cause foaming or other problems, and in great excess is not a recommended procedure.

Where you been Mark? I'm goin out behind GM today around 2 if you're up to it. I have found tons of trails out there now. If you are not busy, come on out.

I've been in Sarnia working.....just got back a week ago. Trails sounds great Derek...but my NASCAR is on today and I can't miss it...and I'm working straight through until the end on nov.....possibly I'm off next saturday so I will call you to let you know if it a go.
