Auto headlights won't come on | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Auto headlights won't come on


New Member
February 18, 2003
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00 XLT
I need some help. My auto headlights won't come on. The parking lights come on and stay on after I kill the ignition, depending on how long I've got the switch set on my rear view mirror. Same thing with my fog lamps if I had them on when I killed the engine. They'll come on when I start back up and stay on after I switch off, etc. But my headlights have never come one. My husband checked all the fuses. They're all okay. These morons at the local dealer tried to tell me that the "auto headlamp feature" only applies to parking lights & fog lamps, not my actual headlights. :rolleyes: Duh. Any suggestions of what else I might try? Thanks ya'll! :)

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Don't have any advice for you, but someone on here will don't worry. I'd say clean the sensors in the rearview mirror, but that wouldn't explain why only the headlamps wont work when the parking lamps and foglamps do. The headlamps have never come on with the autolamps?

Welcome to the site! You'll love it. And by the way, my headlamps come on with the autolamps, so don't believe the dealer crap. Gotten a second opinion?

No second opinion yet, but I'm fixing to find one. I bought the truck in July, used with only 22,000 on it. The headlamps have NEVER come on with the parking lamps, and I know they're supposed to. Let's just say that have a regular turnover at our local dealership in the service department. :p

Yes, they'll come on when I turn them on. It's not that I'm lazy or anything, but I paid for auto headlamps and I think I should have auto headlamps. I've had them on my last 3 vehicles and you really get spoiled to them.

I agree, you do get used to them. I'd wind up leaving lights on everywhere. I'd have to start carrying spare batteries ;)

Hope someone here can help you out.


If you bought the truck with only 22000 miles then there should be a warranty on the vehicle. There should be a 36000 mile warranty on it. Have you checked the relays on the head lite. ometimes the fuses may be good but the relays may be bad good luck

There is a relay under your hood to control that feature. Have the dealer check that.

Yep, tell your dealer to have their Tech follow the White/Violet wire from the Auto Lamp module down to the headlight relay. Then replace the relay. There are 2 relays for this option. 1 for the park lights and 1 for the headlights. The output of both of these relays feed the same point of the multifunction switch as the regular headlight switch does.
