Auto locking hub question | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Auto locking hub question


July 18, 2014
Reaction score
City, State
Ewing, NJ
Year, Model & Trim Level
1994 Ford Explorer
Evening everyone. So I bought my uncles 94 Explorer a little while ago and I've been jabbing at getting it in shape like it should be. Mostly front end neglect like ball joints, rotors, bearings, window motor bushings and ABS....I have this strange sound like chains dragging/jingling whenever it hits a bump :confused. Anyway, when I was reassembling the auto hubs I noticed that from all the pictures I've seen, there should be these washers between the spindle nut and the hub retainer, however I have none of these. I have seen a few pictures scampered around the internet missing these but the factory service manual in front of me even shows them. Problem is, the part number they gave in 1994 only brings me to the nut, which I don't need. Question is do I need these washers and where the hell do I find them? I can't seem to find a definitive on my own and Fords from back then aren't really something I know much about. Never dealt with auto hubs before. I should note that when the truck was jacked up in 4WD the front wasn't engaging at all no matter what I did and I heard a "ratcheting" sound. I'm gonna assume these missing washers COULD be the cause of that but I have no idea. Trucks got 136k on it, probably only went 15 miles a day 90% of it's life and the 4WD wasn't used very often.

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The hubs may be toast, but try cleaning all the old grease and g4ime out of them with brake cleaner, and the fill them full of atf and let them soak for a while. Then dump out the fluid and put the hubs back on. I don't think the washers are a problem. Good luck with it!

Thanks for the advice. Am I also to assume I'm not supposed to throw any grease in the hubs? I've read that on some thread before but to me that doesn't seem right. Could be, but I'm honestly not sure.

That's correct, no grease. Just soak them in atf, then dump it out and put them back on. Try to work the mechanism around while it's full of atf if you can.

I would skip the brake cleaner inside the hubs, and just go with the ATF. Fill them up and let them soak a bit, then dump out and drip dry.
They may be bad no matter what you do, though.
As for the washers in a pictures, maybe you were seeing a manual hub diagram, not an auto? Manual hubs have washers the autos don't...

Nah it was definitely for the auto hubs. Both Hayes and the factory manual show then there but for some reason I don't remember them being there. I gotta take everything back off anyway because now that I can drive it I realize the rotors are warped like a ****, which is why I don't cut rotors. He's telling me Ford cut the rotors years ago last time the pads were changed. Gotta do the ball joints anyway =-O Any other suggestions of what I should do or look for while I'm in there again?

Spindle bearings probably wouldn't hurt. I just did them on mine when doing ball joints. They were $18 for the kit and came with the seals necessary for the axle shaft. You gotta take all that off anyway to do ball joints, may as well pound out the old bearings. They're needle bearings and don't get greased from a zerk and you can't really pack them like wheel bearings. Timken SBK4, or SKF BK1 ought to do the job.

I went to a junk yard & got me a set of the auto hubs & got the 2 plastic thrust washers with them . the reason there is 2 of them is to give a good slick surface to reduce wear on the plastic & metal cam that goes on after the nut & plastic washers . Can not find them at ford dealer unless you buy the whole set up for an arm , leg & torso .

Ah see, I knew I wasn't crazy lol. I guess I'll have to check around but who knows what I'll find around here, junkyard ain't what they used to be :( I'd also imagine it pushed the cam out a little further making a more positive connection which may be why mine clicks. Sounds like it's almost there but I also unknowingly packed some grease in there, natural habit for moving parts

The grease will keep them from locking in properly . also you have to put them on correctly . they have to slide all the way to the rotor easily , sometimes you have to spin the rotor some to get it lined up properly . let me find the thread on how to check your hubs to see if they are working right . Wish you the best & if you need help you let us know !! the only stupid question is one not asked .
:salute: this should give you all the info you need !! Best of luck to ya!! for the 20.00 it costs per year you cant go wrong by becoming an elite . Just think about it !!

The factory manual, which I have via Ebay for $15...the big blue binder..says there are two thrust washers as well. But neither side of mine has them.

the 2 thrust washers are just 2 thin plastic washers , you should have them . some one has taken them off prior to you . they go in between the bearing adjusting nut & the plastic cam .

the 2 thrust washers are just 2 thin plastic washers , you should have them . some one has taken them off prior to you . they go in between the bearing adjusting nut & the plastic cam .

Okay, thanks. If I did have them from the PO, I would not have gotten the C clip on last night. Not enough axle shaft stub sticking out with the new seal behind the spindle. Had to force the CV shaft forward via 4' prybar and girlfriend to get the extra 1/16" exposed to clip the channel.
