AWD Steering "Feel" Question | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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AWD Steering "Feel" Question


Well-Known Member
January 3, 2007
Reaction score
City, State
Madison, WI
Year, Model & Trim Level
1997 5.0 AWD
Hey guys/gals

I just purchased my first AWD explorer and I two questions about differences in the steering feel between an AWD explorer and Normal 4x4 explorers.

1) When I go over a railroad track much more of the bumps are transmitted back through the steering wheel to my hands is this normal with AWD?

2) Often times on the highway, my steering wheel isn't straight up and down to go straight. I don't think it is alighment becuase some roads it is normal, other not. Is the AWD truck more sensitive to steering correction or require more steeting correction to off-set wind and stuff??

thanks for the advice


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To my knowledge there is no difference at all between the two.
The only difference is the transfer case--although 95-97 were a bit different in the front swaybar area, from 98-01.

maybe the swaybar endlinks are worn-maybe this truck has a softer torsion bar ( yes there are different ratings)
or, just maybe--this

thanks JT

I realize the mechanical aren't any different, but I was thinking maybe becuase the front wheels are powered they would have some "torque steer" like a front wheel drive car that I wasn't used to.

I know when Used to be off road with my 4x4 explorer if I would go down a big rut the steering wheel would definitly give me feedback. I thought maybe this was happening all the time in and AWD truck.

I checked out the other thread too. I don't feel any play in my steering just when going down the highway, I have to countersteer to stay straight sometimes?
Are the limited suspensions dialed in squishy compared to regular Xs?
Anybody else had these issues in an AWD?

it is more of a struggle to steer the AWD truck compared to the 2wd, I can tell you that for sure.
I would check my tire pressures and tire wear, then alingment and front end components, tie rods, ball joints, control arm bushings, all can effect steering wander, also as you likely know big tires just pull you with the ruts/contour in/of the road

in my AWD I thought the transfer case was binding, if the wheels dont "chirp" like they're locking up when doing sharp slow turns its ok, big difference in steering feel from my 4WD to AWD,do you have a "sticky" or solid wheel feel?

I know I weave a lot more on the hwy with AWD and my suspension is tight, the thing likes to wander even with slight steering corrections, but the steering wheel is perfectly straight and it does track well even after hopping a curb or two.

I do feel slightly more "shock" thru the wheel over bumps , but this is comparing it to a 92 model which has a steering box instead of a rack, the AWD I have has a more of a solid/stiff feel I guess like driving over double sided tape lol

In terms of the tracking, different tires make all the difference in the world. Some are WAAAY more sensitive than others. I know Firestone Wilderness ATs pull for every little rut, puddle, or tar crack. My Michelin LTX M/S's are night-and day more stable compared to the Firestones.

As for the steering feel, there really shouldn't be any significant difference in the feel. They're the same steering, suspension, and driveline, save for the VC in the transfer case. I suppose that the added resistance between the front and rear driveshafts *could* cause a slight difference in feel in a parking lot, but on the road, there should be very minimal differences I would think...

I htink I've decided that my alignment is off. After driving some more I've realized I have to hold the steering wheel about at a 1 O clock position to get the car to go straight most of the time. This is really frustrating becuase it just stares you in the face, you can't ignore tha fact that you have to hold the wheel off-set like that while your driving in a straight line.

this buying a new(used) truck thing is getting really frustrating after negotating a fair price I've already paid $914 in unexpected repairs costs to fix a front wheel beraing and get tranny and coolant flushed. I hope I can't get an alignment for not too expensive AND that it fixes the problem. I refuse to drive a car that requires me to hold the steering wheel ****-eyed to go straight.

That definately sounds like an alignment problem... you left out the 1:00 reference originally....

You got waaay overcharged for the bearing, tranny, and coolant flush. The bearing is an easy do-it-yourself job, the part's all of $200 on a bad day, and labor is, at worst, an hour and a half for any halfway competent mechanic. If they can do brakes, the bearing is one more nut and three bolts... it's not a trans rebuild.

Speaking of which, a trans fluid and filter change from any decent transmission shop (not the large chains) is going to run a whopping $50-$60, and the coolant flush.... well, again, a do-it-yourself job with a garden hose kit from AutoZone, and a couple gallons of coolant is all of $25-$30.

As for an alignment, any goot shop should charge about %75 max. Just find a shop you can trust that has modern equipment.

Good luck!

Yeah, I was b*tching about my repair scenario on another thread. I assumed a front wheel bearing on a AWD vehcile would be a little more complicated/expensive than the normal $50 for a rear-wheel drive car, that is why I took it in, of course once I had the car in the shop. They said told me you need to buy the whole hub and the part costs $345 alone. The truck was already in the shop, so I told them to go for it, and then I cam on this forum and started looking around. I found a great thread on how to replace the hub and that you could buy it for $177, and I almost started crying:( , then I got mad.:mad:

I was mostly mad at myself for not researching this, I totally would've been comfortable doing it at home. Then I got mad at my mechanic for not watching out for me, they know I build cars and I've been going to them for a long time now 20+ years, they could've let me know I could do this myself.

As for the tranny and coolant flush....whatever, I can't even talk about this anymore, I just want to cry.
