axle nut tricks | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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axle nut tricks


July 27, 2009
Reaction score
City, State
cape coral fl
Year, Model & Trim Level
98 XLT
i need some help on how to remove the axle nut. im replacing the hub assembly and cant get it off. im using the 32mm socket with the extender. and it keeps falling off the nut. ive tried using a pipe for more leverage and still couldnt get it off. any ideas? thanks!

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heat, soak it with PB Blaster, and/or an impact gun

I-m-p-a-c-t g-u-n

Help -tool for front axle nut removal 94 ExplorerXLT

Just got truck - has warped rotors. No problem right? We have a 94 Ranger Splash 4WD we bought new in 94 - we know that truck inside and out - right? Wrong - has different nut on front spindle. It is not a true nut - but a round nut with 4 wrench flats milled into it. The wrench flats measure 2.355"/60MM which is 2 3/8. The closest tool we found is a 76 MM wheel bearing socket. It has 4 studs that are too close together to fit the flat spots. It is almost close enough to mill down the pins .010" to .012" to get it to fit. If anyone knows the correct tool please let me know.

On the 2nd gens either the 32mm or the 1.25" socket. If you can't break em loose try a mapp gas torch on the nut till its a little red and then try.. The heat usually helps break them loose especially when there is threadlocker on em.

On the TTB ones get the Ford hub nut socket.. It helps

On the 2nd gens either the 32mm or the 1.25" socket. If you can't break em loose try a mapp gas torch on the nut till its a little red and then try.. The heat usually helps break them loose especially when there is threadlocker on em.

On the TTB ones get the Ford hub nut socket.. It helps


Yea impact would work but I suspect the person doesn't have access to air tools or even has a cordless or electric impact gun.

Thanks for the reply - but as I stated it is not a regular nut. It is not 32MM or 1 1/4" hex nut. It is a round nut with 4 milled wrench flats on it at 90 degree intervals. Using a digital calper to measure the distance from wrench flat to wrench flat it is 2.355" or
60MM. A impact gun is worthless with out the proper socket. I have a 76MM Ford wheel bearing socket that fits my 95 full size Bronco - but it is too small for the 94 Explorer.
What does "TTB" referance to?

i need some help on how to remove the axle nut. im replacing the hub assembly and cant get it off. im using the 32mm socket with the extender. and it keeps falling off the nut. ive tried using a pipe for more leverage and still couldnt get it off. any ideas? thanks!

They're tight. Assuming you've got a deep well socket, you just need more leverage. They'll come off. (also remember, righty-tighty, lefty-loosy)

Just got truck - has warped rotors. No problem right? We have a 94 Ranger Splash 4WD we bought new in 94 - we know that truck inside and out - right? Wrong - has different nut on front spindle. It is not a true nut - but a round nut with 4 wrench flats milled into it. The wrench flats measure 2.355"/60MM which is 2 3/8. The closest tool we found is a 76 MM wheel bearing socket. It has 4 studs that are too close together to fit the flat spots. It is almost close enough to mill down the pins .010" to .012" to get it to fit. If anyone knows the correct tool please let me know.

Thanks for the reply - but as I stated it is not a regular nut. It is not 32MM or 1 1/4" hex nut. It is a round nut with 4 milled wrench flats on it at 90 degree intervals. Using a digital calper to measure the distance from wrench flat to wrench flat it is 2.355" or
60MM. A impact gun is worthless with out the proper socket. I have a 76MM Ford wheel bearing socket that fits my 95 full size Bronco - but it is too small for the 94 Explorer.
What does "TTB" referance to?

You should have started a new thread. Your Ranger has a completely different setup, and as Blee already tried to explain, you need the proper socket for yours. With the correct socket, they will come apart easily. The socket for a Bronco is not the same as the socket for a Ranger/Explorer. They're similar in design, but different sizes. Any auto parts store should have them on the shelf.

with a long enough lever (cheater pipe), you can move the world!

i need some help on how to remove the axle nut. im replacing the hub assembly and cant get it off. im using the 32mm socket with the extender. and it keeps falling off the nut. ive tried using a pipe for more leverage and still couldnt get it off. any ideas? thanks!

I had a helluva time finding the "right" socket.
I have a couple that kinda fit, but were just a hair bit not deep enough.

but then I finally found one that did fit at a local hardware store. It was just a hair bit deeper than the others
