Ayone ever put 2nd gen fender flares on a 1st? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Ayone ever put 2nd gen fender flares on a 1st?

I'm looking to get somemore tire coverage and cover up some rust:rolleyes: for cheap. Ive always liked the look of the 2nd gen flares and figure they would be easy/cheap to find. Anyone do this or know if its doable???
Mine is also a 4door, I know they made a 2 pice for the rears.
Thanks for any info.

the bodies are the same. it should work. you may have to do some trimming on the front fenders flares near the head lights.

The admin of the site Rick did he converted his entire front end to a second gen.

I did, too on my old Explorer. $600+shipping from McNeil Racing.
