B&M Shift Plus installed in 92 XL - review | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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B&M Shift Plus installed in 92 XL - review


Active Member
December 20, 2002
Reaction score
City, State
Salt Lake City, UT
Year, Model & Trim Level
'92 XL
I recently decided to jump in and try the B&M Shift Plus on my 92 XL to attempt to make my shifts more "positive and firmer" as the B&M website states it will.

The kit arrived and looked fine untill I went to install it. The vacuum line T they provide is the wrong size for the stock vacuum modulator hose (7/32). You have to go to the store and first get a vacuum T that has two 7/32 barbs and one 1/8th barb for the provided line going to the B&M module as well as a foot of 7/32 vacuum hose (you can cut it down to size later). Cost $2.... Pain in the ass... Large

After you wiggle your hands up there and get it all connected (which is pretty simple if you have a haynes manual to know where it is). For those of you who don't it is behind the heat shield for the tranny right next to your cat, so its a tight squeeze getting your fingers in there but not a huge problem.

After I got it all installed, guess what you can hear the module that you keep inside your cab leaking! It is obviously a vacuum leak with the "hiss" you love to hate. A little silicone around the fittings makes this go away but I'm sure almost every unit would leak like this because of the crap design. Cost $2 for silicone... Pain in the ass.... Large due to ANOTHER trip to the store and messy silicone.

So now everything is finally working as it should, with the valve closed there is no hiss and with the valve open the vacuum is sucked in via the second hose and little filter.

How does it work? Like crap. There is no noticable change in "firmness or positivity" of the shifts at ALL. however the thing that did change was the shift point. The every gear on the tranny now shifts at a higher rpm than it used to. While this might be good for performance, it does not change the "firmness" of shifting at all which is what it is advertised to do.

Overall I am very disappointed with the B&M shift kit because it just plain doesn't do what it says it should. I know for $30 i shouldn't be expecting to much but this thing is a real hunk of junk =( I guess there is no harm in keeping it in but it will do nothing significant to help your tranny's life as far as I can tell and may give you worse gas mileage due to the higher rpm shift points.

Any thoughts, questions, comments are appriciated. Maybe I've done something wrong? But I suspect this is exactly what it was intended to do and nothing more.


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hey njsjfonline
Do you have a shift kit on your 92? "That you sell"

Can I get a copy of the instruction sheet?

NJSFJ - is it possible for you to send me a file of the instructions for the A4ld jr kit- I need to use them to verify work done a while ago- i want to see what sized holes were recommended and where and what my installer did. He didnt retrun the extra parts to me( I forgot to ask)
I tried to read from the web site but thats a no go.

A fax would work also.

Thanks - I sent a PM about this to you also.

i'm back

Originally posted by metstalker
hey njsjfonline
Do you have a shift kit on your 92? "That you sell"

No my trans was rebuilded heavy duty. about 50K ago.
SO I have not needed it so far.
When I put a new converter in. I most likey do a shift kit upgrade.
